Part 1: New Team, New Trouble Chapter 1: Welcome To The Team

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Part 1: New Team, New Trouble 
Chapter 1: Welcome To The Team

I ran as fast as I could. Even though I had been running for so long, I still pushed my legs to go faster. I ignored the stinging sensation coming from my side and the sweat running into my eyes. I had to go faster!

I stopped my music and pulled my headphones out of my ears, suddenly hearing the screeching sound of the training hall speakers. I Listened to the sound from the speakers, still running around the track. Giving a quick glance at the door, I listened to the voice from the speakers.

"Aaron, Travis and Alice kindly report to my office immediately." With that the speakers shut off once again, leaving only the buzzing of the training hall behind. Everyone turned to look at me, undoubtedly thinking that I got to go on another amazing mission... again. I led out a huff of air, mumbling

"What now?" As I walked towards the exit.

I took a left down the long corridor, and continued further down until I stood in front of the big dark oak doors. Not bothered with knocking, I threw the doors open and walked in. The three men that stood in the room, turned at the sound of the doors closing behind me. I only recognized the oldest of the three, it was Charles, the man behind this whole place, and the man I owed my life to.

To his left stood a white haired man, wearing a green hoodie and a pair of gray sweet pans. He had a kind smile that reached his shining green eyes, and a little nose covered in freckles. He didn't look that muscular, but more like the undercover type.

To Charles' right stood a black haired boy, wearing all black clothes. He did not smile like the other, instead he wore a hard expression that seemed to match his unwelcoming demeanor. His dark brown eyes burned holes into me, when we made eye contact. I could clearly see his toned body underneath his shirt, making him look like he was a brawler.

Charles cleared his throat, making me turn my eyes back to him.

"Alice, this is Travis and Aaron, please take a seat" He said pulling out the chair at the end of the table and sat down. The other two followed suit right after him sitting on either side of the table. I groaned and sat down next to the white haired boy, who was introduced as Travis. He flashed me a quick smile before he turned back to look at Charles.

"As you may have heard-..." He started

"-...I have been forced to make safety precautions, and from now on, there will be no more solo missions-..."

"What?!" I cut him off, not wanting to believe my own ears. Solo missions were the only thing I have ever done, and I was not planning on changing that now.

"I ONLY do solo missions'" I said, standing up. Travis looked at me surprised, while Aaron simply nodded his head. Charles gave me a stern look before he continued his speech

"-...So I am putting everyone into teams by their ability and skill level...." He stopped to look at me, silently challenging me to interrupt him again, when I remained silent he continued.

"As you may have guessed by now, You three are the best team. You are the best both in skill level, and collectively the best at all categories. I have decided to name the team by color, and your team is black." He looked at us expecting some kind of response. I opened my mouth to complain, but Aaron beat me to it

"No offense to you Charles or you two, but I work alone" He said, crossing his arms over his chest standing. I nodded feeling the same way as he did. Travis simply looked like he was in deep thought remaining silent.

"There is nothing to discuss, I am the one in charge here, so you will listen to me!" Charles yelled now, also standing up.

"Yes, Sir '' I mumbled sitting back down, making sure not to make eye contact with him. I knew better than to test my luck with Charles at this point. After a stare-down between Aaron and Charles, Aaron had led out a sight and a mumble like mine, before he had sat down as well. Charles now calmly continued, as if our interruption didn't happen.

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