Chapter 9: Left Behind

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Chapter 9: Left behind

I was falling, I could feel the wind blowing my hair and gravity pulling me down, but I couldn't open my eyes. I opened my mouth to call for help, but no sound could drown out the wind and the ringing in my ears.

I sat up in my bed, looking around the dark room, my breathing fast and shallow. A stupid nightmare, that's all it was. I looked at the clock on the windowsill, the red numbers 4:30 stinging my eyes. Deciding that I didn't wanna fall asleep again, I silently made my way to the door, grabbing a pair of running shoes on the way. As soon as the door closed behind me, I ran down the hall.

Sam was the one guarding the main door tonight, and he let me out into the forest with a concerned look, but with no objections. I gave him a last look over my shoulder, before taking off in a sprint.

The sun was starting to rise over the treetops, as I finally turned around to run back, when I heard a car approaching.

I dug behind a tree and watched as the car came speeding past at a dangerous speed, before slamming head first into a tree. I jumped out from behind the tree when I recognized the license plate of the car. The front of the car was destroyed, but I managed to rip open the back seat door. A figure was slumped over the steering wheel.

"Nicole, can you hear me?" I yelled, unbuckling her seatbelt. I pulled her seat back and slowly pulled her onto the back seats and then out the door.

I was sweating and my arms and legs were shaking violently.

"SAM!" I screamed, putting Nicole's head in my lap. She was bleeding from her head and she isn't responding nore moving, but she was breathing.

"Alice, where are you?!" Sam, followed by Charles and Aaron, was calling my name.

"Get Jess!" I yelled, finally able to make out their shadows behind the trees. Charles was the first to reach me, he fell down on his knees looking at Nicoles still body.

I was still sitting on the ground looking at where her still body had laide, after Charles and Sam had carried her back to the school.

"Alice, come on, you need to get up" Aaron was crouched down in front of me. I looked into his eyes and saw pity and sorrow in them for the first time since we had met, I looked away not wanting his damn pity. I took his hand and he hoisted me onto my feet.

Next thing I knew I was sitting between Aaron and Travis still in my pyjamas wrapped in a blanket in Charles' office.

"Alice are you alright?" I was avoiding eye contact with Travis.

"I am fine"

"Are you sure, that has got to be pretty hard?"

"I am fine"

"Are you sure-?"

The door swung open, cutting Travis off before he could ask me again. Charles still had spots of Nicole's blood in his shirt, just like I did.

"I have a mission for you, and you need to get ready right now!" He said, pulling a map on the table.

"How is Nicole?" Travis asked with a shaking voice.

"She is in a rough condition. She just woke up shortly, to tell me what had happened. Team yellow has been compromised. Levi and Mack have been taken hostage by James and his men, they only let Nicole live so she could deliver the message to us."

"So it's a trap!?" I hissed, slamming my fists on the table.

Charles nodded, giving me a side glance.

"This mission is a high priority. Are you sure that you are all up for it?" He was clearly looking at me now. He knew how I would react in a situation like this and he knows what happened the last time.

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