Chapter 4: Rescue the Children

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Chapter 4: Rescue the Children

The sun shone in my face, making me roll onto my side pulling the covers over my face. I felt the throbbing pain in my temple, but ignored it, determined to continue sleeping. I heard footsteps shuffling away from my bed and in the direction of the door. I opened my eyes as I heard the door close. I sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes while yawning.

"Good morning!" I looked over at the table, where Travis was seated, a plate of food and a mug in front of him.

"Good morning" I mumbled back, slowly throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. Aaron must have been the one to leave, he was nowhere in sight.

"It feels nice to just have a day to ourselves" He said, raising his mug before taking a long sip. I nodded standing up from the bed, dragging my feet over to the table.

I pulled out a chair and sat down opposite of Travis. He pushed another plate filled with fruit in front of me. I thanked him before I picked up a fork and started to eat the colorful fruits.

After breakfast I decided to go for a walk.

Still wearing just a pair of shorts, a hoodie and my gym shoes, the cold september air hit me. I shuddered slightly, but still continued further into the woods, further away from everyone. I had no destination in mind, I just kept walking. Letting my mind drift around feeling relaxed.

The sound of a twig snapping, brought me back to reality. It was too loud a noise to be caused by an animal. I spun around, my eyes scanning my surroundings.

"Who is there?!" I called out, still looking around. There was no response. Another twig snapped, right behind me. I spun around, my fists bolted, ready to knock out whoever was trying to sneak up on me.

Charles caught my fist in the air, before it even could get close to his face. My body tensed as I locked eyes with him. He let go of my wrist taking a step back.

"I thought I could find you out here" He said, motioning to our surroundings with his arms. I led out a huff of air. He took my silence as a sign to continue speaking.

"You should be in bed...You need to give your wounds time to heal" He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I snorted.

"I am fine." I said, shrugging his hand off. His eyes burned holes into mine, Aaron was right Charles did favor me over the others, and that made me mad. I wanted to yell at him to say Why do you care? Have you asked Aaron the same question..No because you clearly favor me over the others!

"I am fine" was all I said, stepping away from him, letting my hair fall down over my face to hide the marks. I knew that losing my composure and starting a fight with him would get me nowhere.

He gave a short nod.

"What did you actually come here to talk to me about?" I asked, leaning against one of the trees. He laughed.

"No small talk then...-" His expression turned hard.

"-...I have a mission for your team" He said. I hid my excitement under a raised eyebrow, but he cut me off before I could speak.

"You were nowhere in sight at the school, so I asked your team where you were, but they didn't know." He started to walk towards the school. I followed after him fighting the urge to speak.

Charles and I walked through the doors to the meeting room, which was filled with people talking. When they saw Charles they all went silent.

"Please take a seat everyone" He said gesturing to the chairs at the round table. I sat down next to Travis and Aaron.

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