Chapter 4

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Iliana ran down the polished wooden stairs whilst hastily putting on her school blazer. She skidded into the long and spacious lounge that looked like a showroom for an expensive modern suite, which connected to a large open spaced conservatory where the morning sun flooded in. As if by cue Mother appeared from the kitchen wearing a slim fit two-piece black suit and a heeled stiletto with a strap wrapped around her small ankles. The moment she saw Iliana, frustration splashed across her face.

"And what time do you call this...? I told you to take a short walk with Yuki earlier... not spend two hours! You have to be at school early today... one of the teachers is to meet you at the gates and escort you to the office before your first lesson. How many times do I have to repeat myself this morning?"

Iliana had hoped Mother's icy tone would have thawed after she returned home from the morning walk.

"Walking down Beach Cove was just beautiful... I lost track of time... I'm sorry!"

"I don't want any excuses... Andrew has been waiting for you outside!"

"Where's Father?"

"He couldn't wait for you any longer. Whilst you were in the shower after your walk, he went to the hospital. He knew you would be late so took the liberty of taking Yuki to Mrs. Dancey beforehand. Now go... before you get any later than you already are now!" Mother chided, waving Iliana away before reaching out for her mobile on the dining table

Father had arranged for Yuki to stay with a dog loving neighbour whilst the house was empty. Yuki was always restless when she was alone at home for too long, to the point where she would become irritable and wreck the place.

Iliana never saw Mother last night but heard her late arrival home, then the sharp argument she had with Father... something they'd rarely done in the past without a reconciliation almost soon after. Iliana couldn't bear to hear them in such spitting rage and enclosed herself in the world of music with Yuki beside her, as she did every night for the last year or so. There was no mention of the quarrel this morning from either of them. Iliana sat quietly in the car as she gazed out the window.

'How things have changed between them...' She mused, looking up at the blue sky as she was driven towards one of the three bridges leading out of Primrose Bay.

Her thoughts were broken when the car halted abruptly. Andrew pressed his window down just as a middle-aged security guard appeared by the car.

"Morning Joe... what's going on?" Andrew questioned.

"Tribus Bridge has been closed mate!" The guard replied, pushing back his cap and revealing his haggard square face more clearly.

"Do you know on what grounds?"

The Guard dropped the volume of his voice, as if afraid of any prying ears. "There was an accident earlier this morning... some believe it's an Anomaly!" He snorted into a supressed laughter. "People honestly... they just blame everything on Anomalies."

"Well I suppose they have to blame something, right?"

The guard tipped his head to the passenger seat behind Andrew, when Iliana leaned forward in curiosity to their conversation.

"You're obviously heading to Preston Academy!" The guard continued, studying Iliana.

She immediately fell back into her seat. The school uniform was evidently a big give away, though she had quickly taken a liking to it... it was unique and smart. The blazer was pure white with black trimmings and two black buttons at the front and on the cuffs of the sleeves. The bowtie was clipped neatly under the collar of the shirt, matching the black and white tartan skirt that came shy of her knees. She unnecessarily pulled the black socks further up her knees.

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