Chapter 13

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Lord Baddesley's mansion was located on the other side of Primrose Bay, just as the land curved to form its crescent shape and overlooked Beach Cove's harbour. The mansion was pure white with no remnants of any burns or destruction. Its appearance resembled an Elizabethan structure... strong and impressively grandeur with high pillars adorning the spectacular porch in a semi-circle facade. A queue of cars lined down the mansion's long stoned driveway. It wasn't long until Andrew parked at the foot of the grey stoned stairs.

"Leave the car with the others at the park further down." Mother ordered to Andrew the moment they were all out of the car. "Remember... be respectful when Lord Baddesley greets you and the chauffeurs later at the court yard. We'll call when we're ready."

Like a gentleman, Father supported Mother as they ascended up the flight of stairs along with the rest of the men and women in their finery. From an outsider's eye, they looked like a normal couple with no woes or worries... how different life was behind the mask they wore.

Iliana watched Andrew drive away until the car merged with the others identical to it. Something had been eating away within Andrew since their last conversation, what happened to him?

A continuous hooting of car horn stopped her proceeding the steps. The people around her including herself, turned to a red Mini Cooper from the front of the queue. It halted abruptly before her. Within moments Jung's head popped out from the driver's window with a wide grin upon his face.

"Holy smokes... you look stunning...!" He cried out so loudly, Iliana caught a few disdainful glares from the people nearby who raised their noses even higher than they were already.

Deliberately ignoring them she responded cheerfully. "Thanks and it's good to see you too Jung... were you invited to the party too?"

"Hell no, Jesus... I would've died in shock if Lord Baddesley invited me!" Jung laughed. "I'm only here to drop off Prince Charming ... he's still getting dressed at the back. It's a damn shame the back windows are tinted in this car, it would've been fun to drive around Primrose Bay with a nice view of his abs."

As Jung spoke, the back-passenger door behind him flung open. Iliana needn't guess who 'Prince Charming' could be, but she wasn't expecting the small flutter in her stomach at the sight of him. Kazuki sure knew how to scrub up well. His long fingers combed back his hair which hung over his eyes in an unruly manner, his high cheeks were flushed.

"I love it when he does that!" Jung remarked, as Kazuki turned to him with strands of hair slithering back over his eyes. "That hand move always gives me the jitters."

Iliana chuckled when Jung blew Kazuki a kiss before a wink.

"You can go now." Kazuki uttered in a bored manner, whilst slamming the car door shut.

"Okay, okay... remember, if you dirty that tuxedo... I'll charge you." Jung warned seriously, but it wasn't long until that cheeky smile crept its way back across his face.

"That tuxedo is yours?" Iliana asked, studying Kazuki's attire.

"Nah... it was my old man's. Luckily, he was taller than me... if Kazuki wore any of my stuff, it sure wouldn't fit him... my trousers would be ankle swingers on him!" Jung laughed, as if picturing it in his mind. "It's actually nice to take that thing out from the back of the wardrobe... the spiders had been wearing it for too long, but have no fear... I brushed the buggers away."

Kazuki rubbed his fingers firmly over his eyebrows as he sighed heavily. As if that was his cue to skedaddle, Jung chuckled heartily.

"You know... in between your nod-nod wink-wink, you're allowed to enjoy yourselves! Annyeong my little love birds."

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