Chapter 8

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"So, how'd the lunch go?" Father asked, when Iliana visited him at the hospital after the short event at Beach Cove.

Mother and the others left the harbour as if it was plagued with a contagious disease, and left Iliana with no means of transport to follow them other than walk. Although she wouldn't have minded it and would've asked for directions to the 'White Mansion', it seemed fatuous to have followed after them. Her contribution to the surprisingly political gathering was as impalpable as Mother's appreciation of her presence at the lunch.

"Very... interesting." She sat down on one of the benches placed in the hospital's large garden square.

"Oh...?" Father raised an eyebrow, he sat down on the arm of the bench.

"Seems like Lord Baddesley is quite unpopular with the Williams and vice versa."

"Their mutual differences are well known in Primrose Bay... something drastic must've happened in the past for people to be aware of it."

"You don't know what had happened?"

"No idea... though I must say... if a powerful and popular person in the City says something is black and not white, then no-one dares to even argue otherwise, and follow suit... it's something I still cannot get used to."

Iliana looked at her father's distant expression as he gazed at the paved ground, he seemed downhearted... a mien he'd shown multiple of times since he moved to Bayle City. She moved closer to him and slid her arms around his waist then squeezed him tightly. He looked down at her, a little surprised at first, then returned the warm hug.

"You don't like it here?" She asked, snuggling her face into his white lab coat and breathing in the antiseptic odour which clung to the material.

"It's not that."

"Is it Mother?" Iliana released Father and looked up at him. "I've noticed you know... even before I moved here... you two avoid being close to each other. Since I've been here, you both sleep in separate rooms... and that's if both of you are home on the same night. So much has changed between you... between all three of us."

A smile warmed Father's face, he sighed then laid a hand over Iliana's cheek. "Things... are different between us, but I want to give your mother the time and the space she needs to overcome this. Right from the beginning I promised I'd support her all the way... there are many times when I struggle to keep level headed. However, I won't give up on her... on us. She'll come around, and when she does... I'll be there for her... hopefully with you by my side."

Father had always been optimistic with life no matter what situation he was in, and Iliana admired him for it.

"I'll always be by your side." She responded resolutely. "I wish I could be more like you."

"You have more of me in you than you realise... though I can't say that's always something to be proud of."

Iliana chuckled. "I think the only thing I've gained from you is the love of food... and pretty much any sweet or chocolate."

Father laughed. "Indeed... my stomach is already growling from just thinking about food."

"Oh... I didn't think... I should've gathered some food from the yacht lunch for you. There were plenty to spare, no-one dared to eat any more of it when they found out Mrs. Williams cooked it all."

"No worries... I'll raid the hospital's kitchen for any scraps later." Father responded with a wink. "I have to say... it's a shame for all that food to be wasted."

"Indeed... I thought the food and the little sweet pastries were delicious."

An Indian nurse dressed in electric blue tunic and trousers entered the garden square in haste. "I'm sorry to interrupt your break Mr. D'coye, but the recently admitted patients are presently going through some kind of seizure, while others are going a little..." She paused a moment as if thinking of an appropriate word. Her warm honey, almond face was painted with a mixture of exhaustion, worry and stress. "... a little distressed. The other doctors, including your junior... Doctor Pavoni are inundated with other patients!"

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