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15yrs Previously

A couple sat under a willow tree, a blanket spread out, a picnic basket to one side, filled with delicious goodies. Watching as their three children ran around, their joyous laughter filling the air.

"Kids, lunch is ready." Their Mamma called out to them.

"But, Mamma...we are playing!" Their youngest, Isabella exclaimed. She was only nine years old and truth be told, the rebel of the group. Stubborn to a point, a tomboy under the princess facade.

"Now listen to your Mamma!" Their Pappa spoke sternly, always the authority, "Come and eat, the staff have prepared a beautiful lunch and Mamma can tell you a story."

Reluctantly they made their way to their parents, always obeying their father's order. Two boys and little Isabella.

Sitting down, each grabbed a sandwich, filled with lettuce, ham and cheese. Juice and fresh fruit had also been set out, but their favorite was the chocolate cake, that their cook had made.

"What is today's story, Mamma?" Their eldest, Mateo asked. He was fourteen years old, responsible and the spitting image of his father, in looks and personality.

"Yes, Mamma...tell us more about how we will find our soulmate." Luke, their middle child and twelve year old asked, he was the quiet one, always the peacemaker.

"Argh...tell us about the adventures, not some soppy love story!" Isabella exclaimed.

"Hush child!" Their mother reprimanded, "This will be a story about finding your soulmate, but listen carefully, it's a lesson as well."

So sitting back into her husband's embrace, his arms wound around her waist. His head bent down, nuzzling her neck. Their love for each other shining through.

"As you know, werewolves are made of one half, needing the other half to complete their soul. The Goddess made this, so that we would always have unconditional love. You also know that our existence is kept in secret from the human race, unless you are mated to them and they accept the bond. To find your soulmate, the Goddess created a few obstacles, so that we are tested, too see if we are true mates."

"And if we don't find them or pass the test?" Mateo asked.

"No matter the timeline, the Goddess always has a plan. She will know when we are ready. Always have faith in that, never lose hope." She responded, smiling gently at her children.

"And how are we tested?" Luke asked.

"Well, when werewolves come of age, at 18. Their wolf is ready to find its mate. But, to make sure the bond is strong, you won't know right away. Your human side, will meet their counterpart, get to know each other, various obstacles presented to both of you, where trust will be important. And compatibility tested. There will be those, who will look to catch a prize, only wanting the power. Those you'll have to be careful of."

"And what is the process?" Isabella curiously asked, intrigued.

"At 18, the pack leader will summon ten boys or girls, depending on the gender of the 18yr old. They will meet within a time period, usually a month. If they don't find anyone, the process will repeat the following year."

"And for us? Mamma." Mateo wondered.

Smiling at her eldest, knowing the pressure he was under. "For us, the process will in a way be the same, only that they will come to the castle and higher security measures taken. Being the soon to be Alpha king, the choice will be much harder, your patience will be tested to the limit, girls will only want what you represent."

"And will they love us, like you and Pappa?" Luke whispered, unsure he will find anyone to love him as his family did.

Taking him by his shoulder, his Pappa locked eyes with him, "Son, the love for your soulmate will exceed the love of family. She will be yours in mind, body and soul. A love once the choice is made at the end of the month, will be complete. Where your wolf will come forward, knowing instinctually, marking and binding her as yours."

"Well that sucks! I won't accept anyone unless they are as strong as Pappa." Isabella exclaimed, crossing her arms, pouting.

Her father laughed out loud, her mother giggled, "Darling, you're always be my princess, no matter your age, if it was up to me, I'd keep you locked high up in the tower. But...with your personality, I'll actually feel sorry for your chosen mate." Her father spoke, chuckling, knowing her mate needed to be strong and able to stand her moods.

Mateo sat back, contemplating all that his parents had said. He knew that his position in the future was set. He would take the reins one day, taking over from his father. His mate needed to be confident, strong, loyal and kind...just like his Mamma, a Luna that will lead positively by his side.

His equal in all aspects.

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