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The Arrival

Mateo stood at the balcony's railing, looking down at the courtyard, a hive of activity happening. Security at strategic points, there had been small rogue attacks in recent weeks and everyone was on high alert, especially today. The day the chosen arrived.

"The women will be arriving in a few minutes, everything is running smoothly and according to schedule." Neo, his Beta and one of his trusted friends commented. Standing next to him, watching proceedings as pack members scuttled about, ready to welcome the chosen as they arrived.

Turning to his friend, Mateo knew he could rely on his Beta, they had grown-up together and been through so much. Neo understood him better than most. "Thank you, these attacks lately has me wondering if it's not coincidence, they only started when the date of the choosing had been announced. Somebody here cannot be trusted and we have been unable to catch them!" Turning back around, looking out, far beyond the palace walls, frustration and tension, emanating from his body.

"True...but now only a select few, know of our plans and members are only told of a few basic info, not every detail. Which hopefully, will bring the traitor forward, sooner than we hope."

"Let's hope! And when I find out who it is. They'll wish to have never been born." Mateo stated.

"Understood..." Neo said, his sentence cut off by the sound of howls blaring in the distance. 'They have arrived safely." Both men looking down at the palace gates, as it opened, allowing the black SUVs to enter. Each vehicle coming to an abrupt stop near the palace entrance. The front and rear vehicles, emerged guards, moving with precision to the occupants in the other two vehicles. Standing guard, as the valets opened the doors to the awaiting ladies.

Mateo's parents stood at the entrance to the palace, ready to welcome the arrivals.

Mateo watched intently from his vantage point, seeing the women step out, one by one, each uniquely different from the other. He wondered, if this time he will find his mate. Yet, he could not muster much hope, after years of failure, he didn't want to put too much hope, only to be disappointed in the end. No, this time, he won't be as lenient, he will assess each candidate, as coldly and calculating at arm's length. Keeping his heart and wolf protected, making sure that the women know where they stand, that his decision will only be made when he was certain. And no amount of coercion on their part is going to sway his conviction.

"Ready for this ball and chain to commence!" Rocco, his Delta exclaimed, coming up behind them, looking over their shoulders, "Well look at that, they get better looking each year."

"Don't let Mara hear you say that! You'll be flat on your back before you know it. And we can't afford to look for another Delta." Neo pointed out.

"Ah...don't worry. She knows I'm wrapped around her finger, all she has to say is down dog and I'll happily oblige." Rocco smirked.

"I don't need to hear that." Mateo muttered, shaking his head, trying to rid his mind of the image Rocco implanted, shuddering internally.

Laughing, Rocco slung his arm around Mateo, "Don't worry, hopefully soon you'll understand. Mara predicts that this time round, things are looking good and her predictions are always correct!"

"Only you would say that. She is your mate after all." Mateo said.

"That may be it. But Leah has the same feeling, so maybe, I'll grudgingly agree with Rocco on this point." Neo muttered, annoyed that he had to voice his agreement, it was one thing to think it, but having to say it out, was another. He didn't like having to agree with Rocco.

'Ah, bro...you really made me love you even more!" Rocco exclaimed, flinging himself at Neo, hugging him.

"Get off me! You big oaf!" Neo shouted, pushing Rocco. Regretting agreeing with him in the first place, this is why he never voiced his opinions. Rocco was an annoying bug, which you could not get rid of.

Mateo chuckled silently, watching his friends. They may not always see eye to eye, but where there loyalties lie, that never came into question. They always had his back. Moving towards them, amusement on his face, happy that he had his friends to take his mind off things, he went over to Neo to help him disengage from Rocco, who was clinging like a monkey. Even though Neo was a big burly man, Neo would not readily admit, that he would rather suffer, than hurt any of his friends or family. He was stern when needed, but always protective, just like Rocco. Both men, might be oil and water, but at the heart of it, they were family.

"Enough Rocco! We have important things to do." Mateo ordered sternly, trying to keep himself in check, the scene before him comical. Knowing Neo wouldn't appreciate it, if he allowed Rocco to win.

Rocco, hearing the authority in Mateo's voice, knew he had pushed the limits of fun. Disengaging himself from Neo, he could not help leaving a parting shot, slowly backing away from Neo, he smirked, "You better get cleaned up if I were you Neo, Leah might think you've been with another mate, irrespective of gender." Laughing as he quickly ran indoors, glad that Mateo was quick and strong to hold Neo back.

Mateo was glad he could predict his friends, laughing as Rocco ran off, holding on to Neo, knowing if he hadn't, there would be a blood path.

If only he could predict his future mate...

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