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The Truth Revealed

Mateo headed to his room, needing to see Serena.

Finding her with his mother, "Mamma..." He greeted, giving her a peck on the cheek, "Pappa needs to speak to you. He is in your private quarters with some important news."

Moving towards Serena, he wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her neck, inhaling her scent, calming him.

"Are you sure you're not trying to get rid of me?" Octavia asked, smiling at the couple.

Looking at his mother, an embarrassed flush across his cheek, he muttered vehemently, "No!"

Seeing the sincerity in her son's eyes, she nodded, making her way out the room, leaving the love birds behind. Hopefully soon there will be a baby, she daydreamed, making her way to her mate.

After Octavia left, Serena turned in Mateo's arms, pushing back a bit, looking up to his face. It amazes her every time, that this man, handsome, tall and muscular was her mate. Giving her a predatory smile, Mateo bent his head, brushing her lips with his. Not wanting to be distracted, she pushed him back a bit, already feeling his hard arousal against her stomach, "What happened, you were stressed when you entered." She reprimanded, determined to get answers.

Huffing in defeat, seeing the steely glint in Serena's eyes, Mateo led her to the seating area, sitting down, he lifted her, placing her on his lap, "Promise me you'll let me talk first, before bombarding me with endless questions, please..."

"Ok..." She replied against her better nature.

Smiling at her, he gave her a light squeeze at her waist. Then proceeded to tell her all that had transpired from the moment he left her to coming back to her.

"So...you think it's one of them? I can't imagine anyone out of that group, who could be vindictive. I wish I could be of some help, I try and try to remember that night, but it's a blur..."

Mateo hugged Serena, "Don't worry, Neo is busy searching as we speak, we should have answers soon."

"But...those three women, if you had said Sara, I would have believed her to be the attacker."

Chuckling at her comment, Mateo replied, "I would have agreed with the assumption that Sara is guilty, but... unfortunately she is only a spoilt brat."

"Still...she needs to be brought down a notch or two." She huffed, crossing her arms, pouting.

Cupping her face, he turned her face towards him, rubbing her lips with his thumb, trying to pacify her, "I'll let her father know of her attitude and order him to fix it."

Happy, she snaked her arms around his neck, her hands pushing his head down for a sensual kiss.

Wrenching his mouth from hers, he muttered, "You're killing me.'

She giggled and then proceeded to show him, how much she could kill him...with love.


ater, Serena was escorted to the dining hall. The twins had dressed her in an evening gown of dark blue velvet, her makeup light, hair up, her jewelry expensively understated, simple yet elegant, she also wore strappy heels.

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