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The Attack

Heart hammering in his chest, Mateo ran towards where the sound had come from, shouting Serena's name.

As he drew closer, he stumbled upon her. Her body lying still on the soft grass, falling down on his knees, he gently scooped her into his arms, her body limp. Please, not Serena! He thought, desperately clutching at her lifeless body, Bringing her angelic face to his, tears silently streaming down. His body shaking in rage and sadness. His wolf pushing forward, wanting justice.

"Son, let her go!" His Dad ordered.

"No!" Mateo shouted vehemently, holding Serena close to him, hoping to keep her warm.

"Son, you've got to let the doctors take care of her." His mother soothed gently, her hand rubbing up and down his back, "She is not dead. She has a pulse...weak...but still there!"

Through the fog of pain, Mateo heard his mother's words. Unsure of her words, he traced his hand towards Serena's neck, feeling a pulse, hope filled him. Reluctantly he let her go, laying her down gently, holding her hand. Looking up, it was then he noticed everyone who was there. His parents, the guards, doctors, Neo and Rocco. All forming a protective shield around Serena and himself.

His father approached, bending down, urging Mateo to stand up, "Come on son, let the doctors do their job. Time is against us, the longer you don't allow them near her, they won't be able to save her. And we got important things to deal with... urgent stuff."

"She is important!" Mateo shouted, angry that his father didn't understand.

"Son! Of course she is important. But her attacker is still out there. If they know she is still alive or that you are emotionally unstable. They will finish off what they began. We have to be discreet and draw out this person or person's. Your mother will stay with Serena, I promise we will do everything we can to protect her." His father said.

Mateo knew his father was right, bending over Serena, he lightly stroked her cheek, feeling the softness of her skin. Brushing his lips across her temple, towards her ear, he whispered, "Don't give up, fight for us."

Standing up, he allowed his father to lead him away, looking over his shoulder, seeing his mother take his place, calm settled over him, knowing she was there for Serena. Also knowing they had the best doctors handling the emergency.

"I need to go too my office directly. It's soundproof and nobody can hear our discussions." Mateo spoke.

"We will. But, right now, you've got to pull together. If the traitor is inside, he or she will be watching you, looking for any weakness. Stand tall and firm. I know you can do it." His father said, stopping them near the entrance to the dining hall.

Mateo looked towards the doors, guards at each one, making sure the guests didn't attempt to come outside, keeping everyone confined indoors. Nodding at his father, he stood back, clearing his mind, standing firm. Whoever was behind these attacks, is going to be caught and he will serve justice.

Moving forward, he was stopped by Rocco's exclamation, whirling around, he faced his friend, "What now?" He growled.

Rocco stepped forward, a sombre expression on his face, getting close to Mateo, he placed a hand on Mateo's shoulder. Mateo looked down at the hand on his shoulder, wondering what Rocco was going to say, looking from Rocco's hand, back to Rocco, he was taken by surprise, when a wet cloth was shoved unto his face. Angrily, he grabbed the wrist holding the cloth, "What the hell are you doing?" He shouted at Rocco, ready to kill him.

"We cannot let them see those dried up tears." Rocco exclaimed, attempting to clean Mateo's face.

Mateo didn't know if he first wanted to kill Rocco or laugh hysterically. Only Rocco could bring him back from insanity at times like these.

Shoving Rocco, he took the cloth and cleaned his face. Grumbling and cursing his friend. Throwing it smack dab to the center of Rocco's face, when he was done, satisfied that he had wiped the smile off Rocco's face.

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm dealing with thirty year olds or three year olds." Leo, his father exclaimed.

"Technically and officially, only one thirty year old. Neo and I are still 29." Rocco elaborated.

Trying to keep a straight face, Mateo watched his father take deep breaths, trying to calm himself. Hearing a slap next to him, he looked at Rocco.

"Ow...what was that for?" Rocco shouted, rubbing his head, glaring at Neo.

"Grow up! And I'm only doing what everyone else is wanting to do." Neo stated, crossing his bulky arms, looking at Rocco sternly.

Give it to his friends to lighten the mood. Eradicating the tension with a few words and actions. Glad to have them on his side. Giving him strength when he most needed it.

Taking a breath, he moved forward, confident that his emotions were contained. Entering the dining hall, his mask was in place, nobody in there would know the turmoil he just went through.

Nodding his head at his guests, he headed straight to the main table, turning around, he faced his members and invited candidates, "Ladies and gentlemen. There has been an incident. I request that each of you to leave in an orderly fashion. Our guards will escort you out, if there is any relevant news or we require your assistance, we will contact you directly. My apologies for breaking up this gathering so early. Stay safe and ladies, you will be escorted to your rooms, our interactions will continue tomorrow as per schedule. Goodnight."

With a firm nod, he walked out, his friends and father following. Walking into his office, he sat down by his desk. Waiting for them to enter, watching as Rocco closed the door behind him.

"Now...how did this happen? I thought security was tight?" Mateo asked.

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