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The Breakdown

One week had passed and they were nowhere closer to catching the traitor.

Mateo was irritable, the pressure to remain calm was becoming difficult. The only highlight of his day, was being able to see Serena. His parents had moved her to their private wings on the far end of the castle. Allowing him to see her, without drawing suspicion, everyone assumed he was meeting with his parents.

Grateful for his parents and friends intervention, he and Serena were able to get to know each other. But...cold showers were not on his agenda. His brows furrowing, thinking of the many cold showers he had taken since meeting Serena. His parents and friends were becoming a annoyingly hindrance, always in the vicinity, curbing his desire to claim his mate.

"Hey my buddy, my bro, my everlasting friend..." Rocco quipped, as he entered Mateo's office, leaving the door open.

"What do you want?" Mateo growled.

"I'm hurt!!! Don't you know how to greet your best friend." Rocco sniffed, pouting at Mateo.

Rolling his eyes, he ignored Rocco, going back to the documents on his desk. Not in the mood for Rocco's crazy histrionics.

"Well...be that way. I only came to give you a very important message." Rocco huffed, clearly not impressed with Mateo's sour mood.

"Well...by all means, please relay this important message!" Mateo growled sarcastically, irritated that Rocco didn't just give him the message in the first place, looking sternly back up too him.

Not realizing that Mateo's nerves were on a knife edge. Satisfied that he had Mateo's attention, relayed his message, "Your date with Sara is in the next fifteen minutes."

Mateo lost it, leaping out of his chair, he pounced onto Rocco, catching him by surprise. Hurtling him across the room, Rocco's body hitting the wall with a loud crash, the frames on the wall crashing down on the floor, shattering as they landed. Rocco slumping downwards, landing with a hard thump on his butt. A stunned expression on his face.

Leo and his guards heard the loud commotion, adrenaline kicking in, they rushed to Mateo's office, ready to defend. As Leo entered first, he assessed the danger, stopping abruptly. On one side stood Mateo, breathing heavily, his hands clenched in tight fists. On the other side, sat Rocco on the floor, with a stupid stunned expression on his face.

Comprehension dawning, Leo ordered the guards to take Rocco to the outer office, waiting as they lifted Rocco, taking him out. Closing the door behind him, Leo turned towards Mateo, "Meu filho...what happened?"

"I'm sorry Pappa...I lost it. Rocco...he pushed one button to many." Mateo growled in defeat.

"You're Alpha King. People look too you to remain calm under stressful situations. You cannot lose your temper!" Leo reprimanded.

Bowing his head in shame, Mateo replied, "I understand."

"So, before you go out there and apologize to Rocco. Tell me what's wrong." Leo asked.

"It's everything and nothing!" Mateo said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Try..." His father demanded.

"It's everything...ok! I'm tired of escorting the candidates under false pretenses, when I've already got a mate. Someone, who I can't be with publicly. For thirty years I've waited for my mate and now within reach. I am being forced to wait! And..Oh! Let's not forget the threat, we are nowhere in catching them. So... please tell me how I should feel." He shouted, frustration oozing out of every pore of his body.

"Do you feel better now?" Leo asked.

Defeated, Mateo slumped down on to the couch near him. Shamed again by his actions. Unable to voice his shame at hurting those closest to him.

Leo approached his son, placing his hands on Mateo's shoulders, "Rocco will understand, go out there and apologize. We have to remain optimistic. Come, let's get out there. Perhaps afterwards, we should hit the gym, punch a few things around, until all that pent-up frustration is released."

Nodding, Mateo followed his Dad, seeing Rocco seated at the far side. Mateo swallowed his pride and approached Rocco, "I'm sorry my friend. Please forgive me."

Rocco looked up at his longtime friend, hearing the sincerity in voice, "Maybe...I'll forgive you on one condition."

"And what is that?" Mateo asked.

"Well...promise me and everyone here, that you'll keep your word on my request." Rocco responded.

"I promise on my honor. Now what can I do to earn your forgiveness."

"A hug!"

"A hug...?" Mateo asked dumbfounded, unsure he heard correctly.

"Yeah...you know...a hug." Rocco replied, standing up, arms outstretched.

"Seriously...?" Mateo asked, regretting making that promise.


Rolling his eyes, he stepped forward, awkwardly hugging Rocco as quickly as he could.

"Did you get that Leo?" Rocco asked over Mateo's shoulder. Just as Mateo heard a click of a button.

"Sure did, Rocco." Leo chuckled, pocketing his phone.

"Good...!" Rocco responded, rushing quickly over to Leo, before Mateo can react and bash him again.

"Rocco...!" Mateo growled.

"Now, now...you promised." Rocco admonished, from the safety of Leo's bulky frame and guards, smirking back at Mateo. Knowing he was safe from Mateo's wrath.

Leo and the guards chuckled at Rocco's craziness in lightening the mood and Mateo's expression of stunned disbelief.

At times like these, Mateo wondered how he could stay sane, with family and friends like his...

Neo rushed in, "We've got a problem!"

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