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The Plan

Leo and Octavia watched as their son approached Serena. They could feel Mateo's uncertainty and confusion.

"Come Meu Amore, let us give them some privacy." Leo said, taking Octavia's hand, leading her out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"What is going to happen now Leo?" Octavia asked worriedly.

Taking his mate into an embrace, his chin resting on the top of her head, "We will wait here for Mateo. Then, when he is ready, we will work out a plan."

"But what about the threat and the choosing?"

"Trust me, I've got a plan. When I'm finally able too speak to Mateo and we hash out the finer details. I'll let you know, I promise." He assured her, "Luckily Mateo kept up the façade, by informing our guests and the candidates, that the choosing would continue."

Octavia leaned back from her husband's embrace, looking up, confusion on her face, "But, he has found his mate?"

"Yes, but if we want to keep Serena safe and draw out her attacker. We've got to keep up the pretense that our concern for Serena is only because she was attacked within the castle, that she was under our care and protection. Therefore our motives of being constantly around her, will be viewed by others, as concern for an invited guest. And Mateo will act as if he is still searching for his chosen, drawing the attention of the traitor in that direction. Keeping Serena safe."

Octavia finally understood. Leo might not yet have fully explained the plan, but as her soulmate, she trusted him to bring this chaos to an end.

Mateo had unknowingly shifted his large muscular body, careful of the equipment monitoring Serena, to lie next to her. Keeping her as close to him as possible in a protective embrace, murmuring words of love and encouragement. Hoping that she would open her eyes, wishing to see them sparkle back at him with life.

"Son, we've got to go. You've been here an hour." Leo said.

Surprise at his father's comment, had time passed by so quickly, for him it felt as if he was here for a few minutes.

"Come on, the sooner we resolve this threat, the sooner you and Serena can be together." His father added.

Mateo looked down at Serena, his father was correct, the sooner he got to the bottom of this threat. He and Serena can publicly announce their claim. Brushing his lip on her temple, taking in a fortifying breath of her scent, he reluctantly got up. "Look after her Mamma. Let me know of any changes."

"I will Meu filho." His Mom replied.

Nodding, he left the room, following his father towards his office. Determination to end this threat on the forefront of his mind.

"I've arranged a meeting with a few trusted members." His father informed him, as they entered his office.

Confirming with a nod of his head, he made his way towards his desk, sitting down, waiting as everyone filtered in.

Neo, Rocco, Leah, Mara, his father and the previous beta and delta couple.

"How is Serena?" Mara asked.

Pain slicing through him, he replied, "She is unresponsive. They don't know when she will be awake."

"But..." Leah mumbled, shifting nervously in her seat, taking Neo's hand in a tight grip, looking up at Mateo, "If she is your mate, wouldn't your blood heal her?"

Shocked, Mateo looked over to his father, "Pappa...?"

Leo stood up quickly, talking quickly into his phone. Ending his call, he turned towards his son, "I'm sorry son, with everything happening, it didn't cross our minds." Turning to Leah, Leo smiled, "Thank you, Leah. Serena's state would have lasted longer, if you had not spoken up." Grateful to Leah's steadfast dedication in voicing her thoughts.

Upon confirmation of his father's response, Mateo stood up quickly, making his way to the door, "What are we waiting for? I'll go now to the hospital." Anxious to save his Serena.

"Steady Meu filho," his father said, blocking Mateo's path to the door, "I've arranged a medical kit to extract your blood, it should be here soon. You cannot risk being seen there. Octavia will make sure Serena gets your blood." His father reasoned, just as knock on the door, alerted them of someone on the other side. Rocco opened the door, one of their trusted doctor's stood on the other side. Ushering him in, they proceeded to extract blood from Mateo's vein on his arm with a hypodermic needle, watching as the syringe filled with his blood. Once filled, the doctor removed the needle, placing it into a protective casement, locking it shut. Leo turned towards his friend and previous beta couple, "Marcus, you and Pauline accompany the doctor to Serena, make sure she receives his blood and tell Octavia to let us know asap of Serena's condition."

Nodding their agreement, the couple stood up, following the doctor as per ordered.

"Ok, now that the situation has been resolved and we can't do more about it, but wait. Let us resolve the issue of the threat and diverting the traitor's attention off Serena. Are we all in agreement?" Leo asked.

With murmur's of agreement, Leo continued, "Mateo will create the illusion of still seeking his mate. Your friends, Mateo, will enforce those ideas, with the candidates and pack members. Nobody outside this circle will know about our plan. We will trap the traitor, by misleading them with words and actions. Thus, leading them into making a move and us catching them."

"Will it work?" Mara asked.

"It should, this evening's attack was random, unplanned. Evidence shows that it was a silhouette of someone small or a woman. Unfortunately our security cameras could not focus properly on the struggle between Serena and her attacker in the castle garden." Neo replied.

"Then you better install more better quality camera's in ever nook and cranny.' Mateo ordered, angry that their security system was weak and they could have been one step ahead from catching their enemy. Instead they are here, wasting time trying to find the traitor.

"Son, instead of getting angry about past failures. Let us focus on the now. It doesn't help to cause a rift amongst this group, everyone here is on your side. I can understand it was your mate that was hurt, everyone here would react in the same way."

Admitting defeat grudgingly, Mateo sat back, hashing out the finer details of the plan to catch the enemy.

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