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"Who said that to you???"

"Said what?" Confused, I looked at my wrist, and then my jaw dropped.

Written in the most cute yet elegant flowery handwriting I'd ever seen were a few words.

"It was you I heard speaking Korean, right?"


My heart leaped into my throat, and for a moment I couldn't breathe.

"That's Korean, right? Which member said that to you?!" Emily practically screamed.

But before I could answer, she continued, "You know what? Never mind, it doesn't matter right this second. Just come on, girl! We've got to catch them before they leave!"

That was all it took to snap me into action. I was following her lead, and I trusted her to give me the best shot at catching up with them.


"Why aren't we taking the car? Their exit is on the complete other side of the building!"

"Because pedestrians are moving faster than people trying to drive right now, don't ask questions, just MOVE!" Emily could almost have been AGUST D, she got that out so fast.

And I was quick to obey. I was running as fast as I could, soon outpacing Emily. I loved her lots, but she couldn't run worth my sweaty socks, and I knew she would kill me if I waited for her when it was a matter of catching up with my soulmate!

I was almost to the staff entrance when I saw it. A big black van surrounded by screaming ARMY's, pulling out into the street.

I found myself staring hopelessly, unable to breathe properly as I watched the van with Kim Taehyung, my soulmate, pull away onto the street and leave behind all the screaming, questionably sane fangirls.

And me.

I slumped onto the ground, my knees hitting the pavement. I bent my head, trying to breathe.

My soulmate had just left me behind.

I felt a hand on my shoulder a few moments later, and I looked up to see Emily, crying.

"Y/N! I'm so sorry! I thought..." She couldn't finish her sentence. "Maybe if we get back to the car we can try to follow them to their hotel."

I looked after the van as it disappeared into the distance, then back at the highly congested parking lot that Emily's car was somewhere in the middle of.

Slowly I shook my head. "You know it's hopeless, Em. Even if we'd pulled into that mess ten minutes ago we wouldn't have had a chance."

"Y/N..." she looked at me sadly. Hadn't I been thinking just a few hours ago how lucky I was? The irony was almost to much to handle.

But not quite.

"Let's go home Emily. Tomorrow after a good night's sleep we can try to figure out what else we can do." I stood up, wincing at the pain in my likely bruised knees.

Emily nodded, sniffing as she tried to stop crying. She seemed more upset than I was.

"It'll be fine, Emily. After all, he has his soulmate mark too now."

She looked up, abruptly. "You're right! And even if he takes awhile to notice it like you would've obviously he'll try to find you, right? I mean, who could turn their back on their soulmate?"

We started to smile. Even if we couldn't do anything, my soulmate would have connections, right? I mean, he was a Kpop idol. An international one at that.

With hope in our hearts, we headed home. Emily insisted on staying the night at my house. She knew RJ would take care of things at their place.

I remembered the way they'd had to elope because her parents hadn't approved of her soulmate. Was that how Tae and I would be since he was an Idol? Would we have to elope or something to keep me hidden from the fans?

We listened to my now-signed album on the way home, with one key difference. Instead of singing along, we were both deep in thought, and whenever one of Tae's parts came Emily would cry again.

I just smiled and enjoyed the soothing tones of my soulmate's voice, wondering how it was I used to mix it up with the others by accident. Their was always a sweet undertone that pulled at me, and somehow I just knew whenever it came that it was him.

As we prepped for bed, Emily kept checking on me to see of I was ok. And I was. The initial shock had worn off in the parking lot, and I was thinking logically now. For one thing, Big Hit couldn't just make an announcement like "Hey! Taehyung has his soulmate mark on his wrist, will the missing lady please come forward?" because there were so many fans that some of them would be bound to try an fake it. Nor could Tae show his mark in public until I was found for the same reason.

I flopped into my bed, still thinking. And the more I thought, the more I was sure this would require a lot of action on my part.

What was it I had said that would be on his wrist?

Taehyung's POV:

We finally made it back to the hotel, Somehow managing to lose all the fans that had tried to follow us.

As usual, Suga hyung had fallen asleep on the way.

"Jin hyung, it's your turn to wake up Suga hyung." I whispered, scooting towards the door so I could be out of range when he woke up.

Everyone else followed my hasty exit, and Jin sighed.

"Yoongi, we're at the hotel. Let's get inside so you can get back to sleep."

Yoongi hyung glared and muttered some curses about disturbing life's most important event, ut he shuffled out of the van and came in with the rest of us. It had been a long day.

Not that any of us were going to complain about being fully intact.

We got to our rooms, and I beat Namjoon hyung to the bathroom of the room we shared.

I was glad to clean off the remnant of my makeup, but I was too tired to take a shower tonight.

Absently I rubbed my wrist were my Gucci watch had made an itch before reaching for my toothbrush. Strange. This was the most comfortable one I had.

Minutes later I sighed as I pulled off my watch to wash my hands.

My eyes widened when I saw the flowing, English script on my wrist.

Now, I could read a little bit of English, but I wasn't that good. This called for an expert.

"Namjoon Hyung!" I yelled.

"What? Did I break something again?" Namjoon was already out of his concert clothes, and he looked a little irritated as he came in, but I didn't really notice.

"What does this say?"

Namjoon's eyes widened with shock, and he grabbed my wrist for a closer look. His jaw dropped and his mouth moved silently for a moment as he read the words to himself.

"Hyung?" I was starting to get worried. What did it say? I hoped it would be something that would help me find my soulmate.

I'm back with another update! Thank you for reading my story, especially if it's not that good. What do you think so far? I made this update a little shorter than the last one because I wasn't sure whether "Found you?" was to long or not.

What do you think the rest of the band will think when they find out Taehyung's got a soulmate, but he's already lost her?

Oh, and that GIF I found at the top. Is anyone else just dead over the 0.05 seconds it took for Tae to go from Aegyo to What are Ya'll Looking At?

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