Sleep is a Must!

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Taehyung's POV:

I smiled at my phone, re-reading our short conversation for probably the nine-hundredth time. I googled the current time for the zone that fanmeet had been in, figuring it should be pretty close to the time were my soulmate lived. I knew people traveled to get to our concerts and stuff, but she wouldn't have come to far right?

I had talked to Namjoon hyung about the letter, and he'd encouraged me to try texting the number without saying who I was. If it was my soulmate, she would likely already know, or else would figure it out pretty quick.

He'd been right!

Now here I was, waiting for a good time to text her when I should be sleeping. I couldn't help it! I was so excited to have found my soulmate, I just couldn't wait to talk to her again!

Finally google said it was around noon over there. If she'd slept in like I told her to, she would probably be having brunch.

Crossing my fingers I held my breath and hit send on the text I'd had ready.


Hiii! Did you make your deadline?

Almost immediately I got a message back, and I had to keep from cheering. She was up!


I did! Thank you for texting me last night Tae, it gave me the perfect boost!


I'm happy for you, Y/N! Did you make sure to take a good long nap like I said?


I did, how about you? How did practice go?


It was good. I kept thinking I want to see your face again though. Can I see a selca? Please?


I guess it's only fair since I can look up pictures of you whenever I want. I hope you don't mind the morning hair though, I just got up.

(Insert selca of messy hair you, lol)

My breath caught. She was beautiful. I felt so bad for not remembering her clearly. What had I done to deserve such a cute soulmate? I saved her picture and resolved to ask for another one soon.


Wait, why are you up right now?!?!?! Tae, put that phone down and go to sleep this instant! You have practice again tomorrow, you should be resting so you can do your best! Go! Sleep!

I pouted and snapped selca to send back


But I wanna talk to you.

But I wanna talk to you

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I Lost my Soulmate Kim Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now