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I had been moved to another location, supposedly to keep the police from tracing the phone call, but I had finally gotten my burger combo so I couldn't care much about there reasoning. I knew it would make it harder for Tae to find me, so I kind of wished they hadn't been so thorough, but I was glad that I at least shouldn't be interrupted while I ate my first meal in two days.

I watched the guy I'd picked at earlier, knowing sooner or later he'd have it in for me. He couldn't physically harm me, because I'd realized the boss of this operation had a weird sense of honor and had given his word that until the deadline I would be unharmed. But I would be the first to admit there were other ways to hurt or humiliate people.

With any luck, he'd try something soon, and I wouldn't have to be bored this whole time. I mean, they always left him to guard me so I couldn't find a way to escape, so I may as well keep myself entertained, right?

I must be regaining some of my sense, because even I think that sounded a little crazy. I mean, that guy could probably rip me in half!

I finished eating my meal, and for the first time in TWO DAYS (yes I'm repeating myself because food matters) I was finally not starving. I wasn't exactly full, but I wasn't starving either.

Crumpling up my trash noisily I licked the salt from the fries from my lips, savoring the remnant of wonderful flavor.

"Well, that was a wonderful appetizer, may I ask when the main course will be served?" I addressed my lone guard saucily.

He huffed and glared.

"Shut up. You've caused me more than enough trouble as it is."

"Oh, I don't think so. You see, that's my soulmate you're blackmailing, so I have to be sure that if he pays up he gets his moneys worth out of it. The way I see it I have a long ways to go, and only five days to do it in!" I explained cheerfully.

His glare went from deadly to planet shaking in a heartbeat as he muttered a few choice curses in my direction.

"If I didn't have my orders, I'd teach you a lesson you wouldn't soon forget." He growled, and I met his gaze with a grin.

"Sure you would, but you do  have your orders, so I don't really have anything to worry about, do I? Seriously, when do I get the rest of my food? I've got five more meals to make up for."

A few more words left his mouth that made even my no-so-innocent ears burn.

"What would your mother say if she could hear you right now?" I wondered aloud.

He went silent.

Round two awarded to Y/N.

Time Skip brought to you by AGUST D's Title track:

Five days later, it was 11 o'clock, and I'd won 13 more rounds to his 1. I'd lost track of points around noon on day 2.

I could have utilized my last hour to start another round, but for some reason I didn't think that I'd have the time to finish it.

Besides, my mouth was duct taped.

I stared out the window of the car as we waited for my soulmate to "show with the dough" as they'd put it. I find myself musing that this is about the farthest thing I'd imagined from an ideal reunion.

My nerves were on edge as the clock ticked closer to midnight.

Finally, at 11:35, a car pulled up a little ways across the bridge. A man in a ski mask got out holding a briefcase, presumably filled with the money they had required.

I Lost my Soulmate Kim Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now