I'll Find You

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"What does this say?"

Namjoon's eyes widened with shock, and he grabbed my wrist for a closer look. His jaw dropped and his mouth moved silently for a moment as he read the words to himself.

"Hyung?" I was starting to get worried. What did it say? I hoped it would be something that would help me find my soulmate.

Resume Taehyung's POV:

Namjoon hyung stared at my wrist for a few more moments. Then he let go and wouldn't meet my eyes. What was wrong? What did it say? What if... Now I was worried. What if it wasn't anything that oculd help me find her again?

"We should get the rest of the guys together and tell them." He finally said.

"Hyung?" I pouted a little, trying not to look to worried. "What does it say?"

Still he didn't answer.

"Ok, fine. Let's meet in Yoongi and Jin hyung's room or Yoongi won't come."

"Yeah, I'll get the others. You head over, we'll be right there."

So I went to Yoongi and Jin hyung's room and knocked softly.

The door flew open.

"Aish! Are you trying to make Yoongi mad? He finally..." Jin hyung trailed off when he saw the look on my face. "What's wrong Tae?"

"Namjoon hyung won't tell me what my soulmate mark says until we're all together. He's bringing Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok."

"Your what?!" Jin looked shocked when I held up my wrist. He pulled me into their room and shut the door quietly.

"My boy's all grown up!" He said proudly, holding my wrist up to get a better look. "And the handwriting is so neat! I wonder what that means for your relationship?"

I studied my wrist for a moment. "I thought it was kind of swirly."

"It is, but each of the letters is so distinct from the rest, so it's neat too." Jin was looking at my wrist, or rather, the handwriting on it, very closely, analyzing it.

There was another knock on the door, not as gentle as mine had been, and Yoongi Hyung sat bolt upright.

"Whoever's knocking on our door at bloody midnight had better have a darn blasted good reason!"

"Yoongi, Taehyung's got his soulmate mark!" Jin said as he rushed to open the door.

Yoongi turned his head to look at me. "Show me."

A little worried about his mood, I walked over and showed it to him. He grabbed my wrist and squinted at it, then licked his thumb and rubbed it hard.

"Ow! Yuck! Hyung, what was that for?" I whined a little and yanked my wrist away, holding it tight. It was turning a little red where he'd rubbed, and it kind of stung.

He smirked a little. "Making sure I wasn't woken up for a bloody prank. Don't be a baby. Whoever she is, she'll be counting on you."

I stared at him in shock for a moment as the others entered the room with Jin admonishing them to be quiet. What had he just...?

"Yah, what's up?" Jimin grumbled.

"I will spam you with memes hyung. I want to sleep." Jungkook muttered, rubbing his eyes.

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