Not Over Yet

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The moment he came in, we knew something was wrong.

His lips were compressed into a thin line, and the look on his face said there would be no arguments.

"We need to leave. Now. The round up last night was not successful, and it is believed that the gang may be aware of our location."

Tae flinched and paled, his arm around my waist tightening.

"You'll need to be ready in five minutes, literally. I'll get the car."

There was no need for words. Tae and I had been texting and calling so much we could practically read each others thoughts, and we worked in sync. It wasn't like we had anything to pack, so it didn't take long. We were out of that room fast, but in my mind it wasn't fast enough.

Despite our cuddle time last night and this morning, Tae seemed unnerved and anxious in the car.

Before we left, the officer (our driver) double checked our rooms to make sure that we had left nothing behind that could possibly give us away.

Tae held my hand tight as we waited, a hint of fear still in his eyes.

If I was being honest, I was terrified too. The way that leader guy would see it, we'd violated the agreement, and the playing field was now open to any tactics he chose to use.

There was no conscious decision on my part. I just ended up curled against Tae's side, and his arm went around my shoulders as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

What was taking him so long?

Even as the thought came through my mind I saw him entering the lobby. Tae noticed as well, and his grip became gentler, more like a hug than protection.

But it still felt safe.

Both of us let out small sighs as we pulled away from the hotel.

"So, where are we headed?" I asked.

"Good question." Tae looked at the officer expectantly.

"Seoul Police Headquarters. You'll be staying there until we're certain it's safe for you to resume your usual lives."

Well that was incredibly simple. Why couldn't they do this in the dramas?

Tae was nodding, the simplicity of the idea apparently resonating with him as well.

Then his phone rang, shattering the silence.

The number was unknown.

"Don't answer it! With the blocks we put on your phone, they can't track you unless you respond." The instructions were stern.

Tae nodded tensely, staring at the screen as though he could will the number away.

The ringing stopped.

And the text notification bell went off.

Clever boy. That was truly very clever.

I know you're reading these. And we both know you're not going to respond.

"What does it say? Read them to me as they arrive." The officer instructed sternly.

Tae nodded and read them.

I respect a man that can turn a game around.

You have  my apologies for my subordinate.

His actions did not have my approval. I apologize for his meddling.

Now we were confused. What the actual...?

I suppose I could have just allowed you to believe that he and his sloppy cohorts got away on their own, but the truth is I extracted them.

Your so called justice cannot punish them suitably for their true crimes, therefore I have taken their discipline upon myself.

Rest assured, my clever young Idol, you and your soulmate are no longer at risk from me or any of my men.

They should have known better than to screw up a bond that the universe laid down.

The messages stopped.

The officer was nodding a little, as though he understood every word that was just read.

It did not escape Tae's notice.

"You understand this?"

"Let's get to the station. The chief can explain when we get there."

No matter how much Tae wheedled for just a little more information, the officer would not give any answers. Overall, his posture while driving was at once more relaxed and more tense, as though he believed we were out of danger, but with an ominous shadow lurking somewhere along the route.

Tae finally gave it up, and I cuddled back against him when he sat back with a sigh.

On a better note, the chief did explain for us.

According to those messages, the men who had been behind my week and a half capture and imprisonment were apparently subordinate to a much more powerful gang leader, whom they believed they could identify due to the last message because he was very superstitious.

Any more than that they claimed we could not know for our own safety.

Long story short, by the end of the day they had confirmed that we were in no danger and sent us off to head back to the dorm he shared with the boys until I could catch a flight home.

It was then that I started to wonder. Already I had become more than used to Tae's nearly constant presence. Within this relatively short amount of time, I had come to count on it and enjoy it thoroughly.

When the time came, would I be capable of leaving Korea?

Hellooo all of my awesome readers! How in the ever loving planet of mother earth have we gotten to nearly 300 reads? When I started this portion I thought I would be ranting about making it to 250. But in less than a day, we've jumped to nearly 300! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!

Shout out to DianaXDiana! thank you for voting on my story! I really appreciate that you're taking the time to read it!

I really enjoy seeing the little orange dot on my profile avatar when I sign in. It seriously brightens up my day to know somebody has taken the time to interact in some way with me through this story. Never will anything you guys do be considered spam, I promise!

Borahae! I purple you all lots and lots! ~ <3 <3 <3

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