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I was tired. It had been a long day with the boys, even watching them had made me tired. How they could practice for hours and hours straight, eat a fast lunch and go straight back to work was really beyond me.

Stifling a yawn I climbed into the van with the boys.

I settled between Tae and Jimin, my eyes fluttering in my struggle to keep them open.

Tae took one look at my sleepiness, pulled my legs across his lap and put his arm around my back to hug me.

Technically I was still sitting in the seat, but I was glad to take advantage of our nearness and rest my head on his shoulder

"Why don't you sleep like this on the way home?" Tae asked softly. I just smiled and hummed a little, already drifting off...


I woke up, already snuggled into covers, but Tae wasn't in the bed.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked at the time in my phone.


Why wasn't he in bed?

My throat was a little dry anyways, so as I yawned I wandered to the kitchen to get a drink and look for Tae.

I was walking back to from the kitchen when I saw Tae sitting on the couch. He was staring off into the distance, rubbing tears from his face.


He flinched.

"Y/N? What..." He blinked and wiped his cheeks one last time. "Are you alright? Why are you up?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing. I woke up and realized you weren't in bed. Why are you crying?"

"I..." Tae looked away for a moment. "I'm sorry, let's just go to bed."

I watched his face quietly as he closed the rest of the distance between us and hugged me tight. I hugged him back, but I was worried.

"Can we talk about it in the morning then?"

"Of course love. I'm sorry you woke up."

I blinked. What was wrong?

"Tae, it's fine. We're soulmates, we need to be there for each other. That doesn't mean just you supporting me, I need to be there for you too. It's not a one way street, so please don't apologize for me wanting to make sure you're alright." I hugged him again, tight.

He froze for a moment, then wrapped his arms around me and started crying.

"I just can't bear the thought of losing you again. What if your parents find us and manage to get you? I can't-" His voice cracked as he buried his face in the hair by the side of my neck.

"What a touching scene."

We both whipped around, and there they were.

My parents.

"How did you get in here?" I yelled, hoping to wake the guys. It was too soon!

My father smirked. "We told you we have our ways. Unfortunately somebody just doesn't listen to her parents. Looks like pretty boy's going to be taking a ride down the Han river in a body bag. How selfish of you to cling so that he has to die."

Keep them talking, just keep them talking...

"What did I ever do to you? Why do you hunt me? What on earth makes you think you have the right to control my entire life?!?!"

I Lost my Soulmate Kim Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now