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My soulmate tattoo was burning like fury.

I hissed and grabbed my wrist hard, trying to make it stop, but then I heard Tae's whimpers; and as soon as I looked to check on him, the burning eased.

I slipped out of bed and tip-toed over to the couch where he was sleeping, his arms wrapped tightly around a pillow.

He twisted and clutched the pillow even tighter, tears slipping down his cheek despite his closed eyes. As I sat on the edge of the couch next to him, he began to full on cry, burying his face in the now-strangled pillow. My heart hurt watching him. What on earth could he be dreaming about?

"Taetae!" I whispered, gently grabbing his arm and shaking him just a little, hoping to wake him. "Taetae, it's ok." His eyes snapped open, and the instant he saw me he let out another whimper as he discarded the pillow and snaked his arms around my waist like lightening, throwing me a little off balance.

"I couldn't find you" he whispered back, choking on his own voice. "I couldn't make it on time, and they threw you into the river. No matter how many times I dived, I couldn't find you. I thought it was real. I thought you were gone."

My heart twisted in sympathy. How many times had I had similar dreams, and nobody had cared?

Now I knew why his grip made me think he would never let go. And for tonight, as he buried his face against my side and clung a little harder, I knew he shouldn't have to.

"Come on Tae." I whispered, trying to ignore his whimpers as I stood up, getting him to do the same. I needed to sleep to, but that couch was no way big enough for both of us. I moved his arms from my waist to my upper arms so that he could stand up better as I guided him over to the bed.

In normal circumstances, I would have freaked out if anybody had suggested sharing a bed with any guy, especially my soulmate. However, these were far from normal circumstances by anyone's standard.

I flipped the covers back and lay down so my back was towards him, and in his half-asleep state he lay down too. Never once had he lost contact with me, I realized, pulling the covers up to defend us against the hotel's ruthless air conditioning. Even now he back-hugged me as though he would never be able to let go.

His breathing slowly became regular again. I listened to it's slow, steady pace. My last thought before I too went back to sleep was that I wouldn't mind it if this happened more often.

My first thought in the morning was "What the heck?"

Taetae was still latched on to me, and for a moment I couldn't remember what had happened.

Then I opened my eyes and saw the hotel room, and everything came back as  squinted my eyes against the morning sun that peeked through the curtains.

Could I get up without waking Tae?

One experimental wiggle answered that question.

Nope. The man had a grasp like steel once you tried to get out of it, even as half-hearted as my attempt had been.

So I lay there and waited for him to wake up, and in the process, fell back asleep.

I awoke for a second time as Tae gingerly removed his arms from around me. When I shifted to glance back at him, his eyes widened a little, and he came around to sit on the edge in front of me.

"I'm sorry about last night." He apologized, unable to look at me. "I don't know..."

"It's fine Tae." I assured him, placing a hand on his arm. "I've had dreams like that before. I understand." I sat up and held my arms out to him.

It took exactly one and a half seconds for him to accept the hug I offered.

His head rested on my shoulder, and I rested my cheek on his head as I played with his hair.

We stayed like that until there was a knock on the door adjoining to the other room. How long was that?

Who knows.

Hello again, my readers! I hope you enjoyed this. I wanted a chapter that showed how much ya'll have come to care about each other, but poor Tae. He needs some love right now, don't you think?

Please comment!

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