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Lyla flew over the Unsullied soldiers stationed near the slave city of Yunkai. She lingering over the three men traveling across to the tent where Daenerys sat. Her large frill laid flat against her neck, the wind blowing it gently. It felt nice to fly freely. Without judgement, or worry of hiding from people. Just her, and the open air.

A large fin on the end of her tail waved up and down, it's full span nearly half the length of her wyvernous wings. She let out a loud roar, hovering as the three men entered the tent. Lyla landed beside the tent, changing herself to her human self again.

She peeked into the tent, watching the three men speak with Daenerys. The words meant little to her, she was too young to understand much of what they were talking about.

Her nose scrunched up as she watched one man stick his face in Missandei's side, and talked about fucking Daenerys.

"Show me your cunt," The man sneered. "I wanna see if it's worth fighting for."

"That's gross." Lyla muttered, but the man heard her. He looked at her with sleazy eyes for a moment before gesturing for her to approach.

"Come here, girl."


"Come here." He repeated, the warning growing in his tone.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Lyla marched up to the man, puffing out get chest to make herself seem bigger. It wasn't working.

"Lyla, leave our guest be." Daenerys said with so much fake sweetness it made Lyla sick.

"Your guest can go jump off a cliff!" Lyla grumbled. The man stood up, and the guards put their hands on their weapons.

"You think you're tough, eh? I've killed worse than you. Much, much worse."

"I shot a squirrel once. And Theon only had to hit it three times before it died!" Lyla held up four fingers, and the man looked at her confused.

"Is this a joke to you?"

"No, but you are-" She was cut off as he smacked her on the side of the face. Her instincts kicked in, and she kicked her foot up into his shin. Before the situation escalated, Jorah grabbed the captain by the shoulder.

"I think you need to leave." He said lowly. The captain shoved his hand away, storming off with his other two men.

"Do you have any consideration for your safety?" Daenerys glared at Lyla, who was still pouting.

"What does that mean?"

"It means you can't say whatever comes to mind. You could get yourself in trouble."

"I don't care. I'm tired of everyone holding their tongues when people are rude, I've seen it with Sansa, I've seen it with my mother, and... And..." Something snapped in Lyla's head, and she sulked off sadly.


Night had fallen. Lyla paced in her sleeping area, thinking over what to do. She wanted to go home, but it seemed like she would be safer with the dragon queen.

As she stood in thought, she saw Jorah walk up to her.

"Hello Ser Jorah." She said quietly.

"You're upset."

"No! I... I'm just thinking."

"About...?" Jorah raised an eyebrow.

"Just..." Lyla took a deep breath. "I think I need to go home now..."

"What's stopping you?"

"I'm not sure if it's safe for me to go home. Everything's so confusing right now."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to stay here. I'm scared to go back home. But I don't think Dany likes me that much." Lyla looked down.

"I think she's just having trouble taking care of her people, soldiers, and making sure you don't get in trouble. You're a free spirited child. Perhaps you can use that to become more independent."

"Thank you, Jorah." Lyla smiled. "You're really wise, just like my father." She wrapped her short arms around Jorah's torso.

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