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Lyla walked down the long road to Meereen next to Swift and Jorah. She was confused as they all paused at something Daenerys saw. Lyla went up to where she was looking, shivering as she saw a child around her age nailed to a wooden post.

"Is she alive?" Lyla asked quietly.

"I'm afraid not." Jorah said solemnly, disturbed by the sight. Lyla tried to tear her eyes away from the dead child, but couldn't. Her breaths began to quicken. "You don't have to look, Lyla."

"I feel sick..." She finally managed to look away, rushing away and letting her guts come out. When her dizziness subsided, she saw the greenish brown hot liquid she had vomited.

"There is one for every mile on the way to Meereen." Jorah told them.

"How many miles to Meereen?" Daenerys asked.

"One hundred and sixty three, your grace."

Their words faded in the back of Lyla's mind, and the world seemed to spin. She stood up shakily, wobbling as she turned around again. As she stared into the dead child's eyes, they blinked into life, a blue glow filling them. Lyla shook her head violently to try and rid herself of the sight.

"Lyla?" Jorah placed a hand on her shoulder, making her jump and tremble terribly. Lyla leapt to her feet, stumbling a she did, and changed herself to a winged beast, every beat of her wings feeling heavy and slow.

"Ser Jorah," Daenerys turned to the knight. "I want you to go find her. We're too close to Meereen. I don't want her getting hurt."

"Yes, your grace." Jorah went to grab a horse, hurrying after the dragon flying across the distance.


After riding for only half an hour, Jorah caught up with the giant beast. She laid on the ground, holding her wings over her head. At the sound of his horse, Lyla looked up at him quickly, relaxing when she recognized him.

"You're alright." He placed a hand on the side of her head. Low whines came from her throat like she was crying, and Jorah noticed that she actually was crying.

Massive globs of water poured from her two silver eyes, and Jorah brushed them away from her scaled cheeks. He did his best to hush her crying and comfort her, but Jorah was about as good with children as an armless man is with a bow.

"I understand that was frightening to see." He said as her sobs began to quiet. "You're too young to be concerned with such things like that." Lyla whimpered fearfully. "There will be more bodies on the way to Meereen. I promise you, you won't have to look at another one."

Jorah stepped back as flames burnt away the dragon. Left in its place was the crying little Lyla. Jorah walked over to her, and placed his arms around her, somewhat awkwardly.

They stood like that for a minute, him just saying words of comfort and patting her back. Soon she was no longer crying, and fell asleep. He lifted her up onto the horse, and rode back to where Daenerys was. As he did, he couldn't help but notice her mumbling the word 'father' as she slept.

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