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Daenerys waited at the long table where she ate with her friends, a few dishes available. She looked over the people there, Ser Barristan, Missandei, the sisters, and a few others she knew less well.

"Has anyone seen Lyla?" Daenerys asked when she didn't see the little girl's face. "I haven't seen her all day."

"She's most likely a little upset." Missandei pointed out, and Barristan nodded.

"I'll go talk to her." Daenerys stood, walking out to Lyla's room.

She knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Not a peep. Daenerys pushed open the unlocked door, surprised to see no one there. She looked around the room, spotting a little rolled piece of paper sitting on a table.

The paper had no seal, only 'Dany' written on it in poor handwriting. She unrolled it with care. It was simple and informal, saying that she was leaving to find Jorah. It was signed poorly by Lyla.


Lyla flew hastily over the hills, trying to find Jorah. Eventually she had to land, thinking about where he might have gone.

Westeros? It seemed like where he would want to go, me she couldn't think of where else he would have gone. So, she turned her sights to Westeros, flying off as quickly as she could.

The sun was beginning to rise again on her seventh day of flying, but Lyla hardly felt tired. Even if she wanted to stop and rest, she'd have to find land to rest on. The last bit of land she had flown over was bordering Pentos, and her memory was failing her as to what laid across the narrow sea.

She didn't care. Her wings beat faster as she could practically feel Westeros getting closer.

Finally, the sight of land reached her, and she could feel the days catch up with her. Her wings ached, as did her stomach, and she lowered herself to a beach below a red castle. Almost immediately, she fell asleep.


The sound of metal jingling around her woke Lyla from her sleep. It seemed that she was a moment too late, as a large metal object wrapped around her back, holding her to the ground. She thrashed as hold clamped around her neck, and another around her muzzle.

"And how long did you say he was here?" A woman's voice asked.

"About three days, your grace." A man replied. The woman came into Lyla's view, her long golden hair blowing in the ocean breeze. A growl rumbled in Lyla's throat. She would just shift back and escape when they left.

That plan didn't work, she realized as night fell. Guards stood around her, night and day. After four days, the lady she came to find was Cersei approached her. Five sheep were carted out in front of her, and they removed the clamp from her mouth.

Lyla quickly torched the food, too hungry to care about anything else. She devoured it greedily.

A hand touched her side she hissed, trying to pull away from the touch but failing.

"You're a beautiful thing, aren't you?" Cersei mumbled. Lyla heard the chains clink again, but they stopped. "Leave it off. Every time he makes a noise, hit him. Every time he tries to struggle, hit him. Every time he does not obey, hit him."

Lyla growled at the cruel woman, only to feel a burning lash against her side. She let out a yelp of pain, another lash. She barely even heard her walking away, as more hits adorned her flank.

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