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Evidently, the Second Sons did not agree to fight for Daenerys. Lyla was quite confused when one man from the Second Sons named Daario, who was now fighting for them, was planning a siege of Yunkai with Daenerys. Needless to say, Lyla did not like him.

Lyla groaned as they sat uselessly while the city was sacked. Her legs kicked back and forth impatiently. She wondered if Jorah and Grey Worm were okay.

Finally, they returned, covered in dirt and blood. Jorah had a proud smile on his face, but it turned to a frown as Daenerys asked for Daario. The soldier stepped forward, kneeling before Daenerys

"The city is yours, my queen." He said, to which Daenerys smiled.


Daenerys stood before the crowd of freed slaves from Yunkai. They reached out to her, yelling 'Mhysa' as she stepped down to them. Lyla spread her wings, taking flight above them with Daenerys's dragons.

Lyla was still around twice the size of Drogon. The black dragon screeched at her confused as they flew, as if to ask who she was. She roared lowly in reply.

As Daenerys was set down by the people, she asked out to the crowd.

"If any of you are capable fighters and would like to fight for me, we are taking our army to Meereen. Join us, and we will have liberated all of Slaver's Bay!" She spoke in their tongue, earning more cheers from her people.

Daenerys watched to see if anyone would step forward. A smile rose on her lips as seven people stepped forward. She was surprised, as Yunkai was mainly a city of bed slaves rather than soldiers. The seven were hooded and kept their heads low.

"Who are you, who wish to fight for me?" She asked.

"We speak the common tongue. We have heard much about you, Daenerys Stormborn." One spoke in a low, sultry voice.

"We are sisters from the jungles of Sothoryos. Despite our enslavement here in Yunkai, we are skilled fighters." Another said. They pulled back their hoods, and Daenerys looked at them in surprise.

"You're Shrykes." Daenerys said, but not believing it.

"I am Marsh." One woman with vibrant green skin and orange markings bowed. Two large horns protruded from the back of their head, little horns decorating their chin and cheeks. A plume of feathers was like hair on her head.

The other six introduced themselves as Winter, Bones, Rock, Swift, Mud, and Tangerine.

"Your names are quite... Exotic." Daenerys looked over the strange women, and smiled. "You say you are fighters. Would you care to elaborate on that?"

"We work with light weapons, daggers, swords, staffs, and scythes. Shrykes are light on their feet, and have difficulty wielding large weapons." Marsh explained.

Daenerys led the seven up to the platform where her knights and soldiers stood. Jorah eyed the lizard folk suspiciously, but said nothing.

Hello! First author note I'm making. I would normally not do this, but here are pictures of the lizard folk, just to clear up any confusion. Basically modeled after argonians from the elder scrolls series.



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