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"You think yourself strong, yes?" The woman asked the masked man. He turned slightly.

"Yes." Was his reply. The woman continued to stare.

"You've done horrible things. Yes?"

"Yes." Krohln casually agreed.

"Did you do such things to me?" She asked. Krohln considered this for a moment.

"Does it matter?"

"Do you think I matter?" She asked.


"Then I suppose it doesn't." She smiled slightly. "The same could be said for you." He turned his nose up slightly, not liking her tone. "You do not matter. You do not help. You do not give. You take, then you hide it, so not even you can do anything about it. If you do not empathize for those you hurt, how can you expect them to empathize for you? Do you expect them to pity you? A child thrown into the slave trade? Perhaps it's you had made something of yourself, used it to do great things. Great things. Or even nothing. You can do nothing. If you had done nothing, we would not be here."

Krohln turned away, taking into flight. He headed towards his next place. A place where he planned to perfect his magic.

Krohln could never control the little thing inside him. It would not let him become a human again, or not become a dragon, or refuse to fly, or anything of the sort.

So, he headed to Mosscovy. The forest was rumored to be filled with shape changers.

Perhaps he could learn from them.


Krohln wandered the thick forest. His reptilian eyes didn't do much against the mild light, dense Flora, and foggy air.

Then, he jumped back, startled.

The woman stood, tall and thin. It was her. The woman he had met a few moons ago. The one who he...

Suddenly, his veins felt tight. A voice began to yell in his head. The tightness built in his body, then moved up to his chest. Then up his throat. Then...


With a crash, her bones exited the lake. It was all so clear now. Her goal. Her quest.

Lyla sank so far into the lake of Stygai, she seemed to see the other end of the world. The heart... Where... THEY lived.

Her bones rattled loudly as she shook her skeleton dry. She tested her maw, snapping her mouth open and closed, waving her wings. She was all bone now, except for a fine membrane running between the bones of her wings, tying them into a shape to catch the air. The membrane was very thin, see through, and a light violet.

She wondered... She tried to change back into a human girl. Nothing. She wasn't THERE anymore.

With a deep roar, Lyla managed to take off. Surprisingly, the membrane wings held her. She must have been much lighter with no scales, flesh, or muscle weighing her down. Only her ashen, hollow bones.

With her, the Corpse City began to wake. The corpses now looked burnt, just like her, with glowing purple eyes. At first Lyla felt threatened, but soon realized they were not chasing her, they were following her. They wanted her to lead them. But where?


Oof sorry these chapters suck aaaaaaaa

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