reunited & reminded

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Grant and Scarlett, along with the oblivious Gil were staning by the VK's hideaway.

Grant and Scarlett would be lying if they said they didn't miss this place. It still held their childhood meories.

"So what's this place?" Gil asked.

"Our old hideaway" Grant said.

"Oh Cool! Hidden in plain sight" Gil gawked and the two VK's just sighed.

They sat there and waited for their plan to play into action. While they did this, Scarlett spoke.

"Do you think....they'll remember?" She said, the sadness so obvious in her voice.

"You mean will HE remember?" Granted stated and Scarlett sadly sighed.

"I don't know Scar....Mal forgot us...who knows.." Grant stated.

The two of them were the youngest of the VK's, only being a year younger then Carlos.

"Hey guys! There the king!" Gil said loudly and the two turned to him.

"Okay Gil, when I call you, you come okay?" Scarlett tells Gil.

"Got it"

"Good boy" Scarlett rubs his head before running off with Grant.


"Help! Help!" Scarlett screamed with so much fear, she was able to get tears flowing.

Ben ran to her aid and held her.

"What is it? Whats wrong?" He asked her.

"My b-brother! Hes stuck underneath rumble!" She says in a scared voice.

"Lead me to him" Ben says and Scarlett grabs his wrists and pulls him along.

This was so easy. He's so gulible. So nice.

When Scarlett led him to a dead end alley way, he just clicked what was happening.

"Who are y-" Ben tried to ask her.

"GIL!" She screamed and Gil hopped down from somewhere and gripped Ben's wrist.

"Hey buddy! Remember me? Gaston's son?" Gil says happily as he covers Ben's mouth with tape and tying his wrist's together.

Grant hops down from somewhere too and looks at Ben.

"He does look princely" Grant says.

"I know, I can see why Mal fell in love wwih him" Scarlett says honestly.

"Gil sweety, take him to the ship and make sure he's tied up" Scarlett tells Gil who nods and runs off.

"Lets give our ex friends a visit" Grant says to Scarlett who takes a deep breath.


The two walked into the hide out.

"Ben! Don't scare us like that!" The sound of Evie's voice said. Scarlett took a gulp.

"Aww but you know I love that" Scarlett says in a tough teasing voice.

"S-Scarlett!" Carlos stuttered looking at the girl, going to step towards her.

"I wouldn't do that Carlos" Grant spat his name with so much venom.

Evie, Jay and Carlos were taken back by the hostility they were getting from their friends.

"Grant? Scarlett? What's wrong with you guys? Why are you being so mean?" Evie asked making the two scoff.

"Is little pwincess Evie to soft to take insults now?" Scarlett said in a baby voice.

"Hey! Don't be like that to her Scar! You love Evie don't you?" Jay asked while Carlos just watched. Scarlett didn't answer so Grant took over.

"Shut it Jay, don't call her that anymore! Only friends can call her that" Grant said as he stood in front of her protectively which gave Carlos an annoyed feeling.

"But we're your friend Grant" Evie said to them with sadness in her voice.

"Friends wouldn't leave each other behind" Grant stated making the three VK's feel guilty.

"Friends wouldn't break promises" he said again making them feel even more guilty.

"And friends wouldn't give someone love only to forget them and love someone else" That one was directed to Carlos, and Carlos knew it.

"Scar...please I-I" Carlos tried to approach Scarlett but Grant gave him a look.

"Well if you want Ben back, tell Mal to meet us at Ursula's Fish and Chips shop. Alone. Uma and Sana want a word with her" Scarlett spoke up again.

"Sana hates us too" Evie sadly said.

"Come on Scar, lets leave these traitors" Grant said before turning away with Scarlett.

"Wait!" Carlos called out. The two turned back.

"Do you hate us cause we left you? Because that's not a good enough  reason to hate us this much" Carlos stated and Grant scoffed and walked out.

"I can't anymore Scar" He says annoyed before leaving.

Scarlett turns to her old friends and old crush.

"We don't hate you guys cause you left" She starts.

"We hate you cause you never looked back...not even once" Scarlett said with so much sadness before walking out.

"Scar...Grant...Sana..." Evie sat down on one of the couch's and let a tear drop from her eye.

"What have we done?" Evie said.

"We forgot them Ev...I didn't even think of them I was so caught up in Auradon" Jay says truthfully.

"Scar...I promised her I would come back for her but...I was to busy trying to get Jane that I..." Carlos held his head in his hands as he gave out a sigh which was a mixture of sadness and frustration.

The three of them looked to the spray paint of the 7 of them on the wall and felt even more guilty.

"Guys I found this under Scarlett's pillow" Jay gives the piece of paper to Evie who read it out loud.

"Dear the VK's
If you are reading this, you have returned from Auradon for some reason.
How was it? Living with the prissy pink princess and perfect princes?
Also if you are reading this, Sana, Grant and I would already be in Uma's gang or now Uma and Sana's Gang.

Uma's angry that you guys took off with everything while Sana's angry you left with out looking back.

Why did you not look back?
Was it because you were excited to leave?
Was it because there was nothing you cared about on the Isle?

If so then i'm sorry.
Grant and Sana still care deep inside but you hurt us too bad.


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