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"Thank you so much for coming today. I hope you all had a great time, and see you next time," I bid goodbye to the group of kids that just finished their school trip around the zoo. They were quite common, must to my dismay since the extra hours I worked extra didn't pay.

They waved back cheerfully before following their teacher back to their buses. It was a tiring yet interesting day. I don't like kids, not because they are annoying. Maybe a little bit, thankfully not these ones. But because I'm not good with them and am scared of doing something wrong.

Today was a very successful day with the students. They were so happy and cheerful when I showed them the different animals. Even with the scared kids, I managed to get them at least to touch a snake or two by the tail, but it was good progress.

"I'm home!" I shouted as I slammed the front door shut. Damon had a day off because he got sick, but I knew that he was playing games rather than resting. I swear, if he could, he would stay all day playing in his room.

"Gosh, you don't have to be so loud, you know," Damon shouted back, clearly annoyed I might be distracting him. 

"Sorry that I'm not at fault that you got sick from washing your hair and not drying it when it was cold as hell," I shot back, all in one go. I won't deny and say I don't do the same, but the guy stayed almost half an hour outside, so he deserves it.

"Whatever," He mumbled and went back to his game. I walked upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me. On my desk laid some books I read and intend on reading, a notebook for random drawings, my computer, and Levi's tooth.

It has been two whole months since I left Isla Nublar and my precious Levi behind. I would try my best to keep tabs on what was happening on the island, but three weeks after the accident, they stopped reporting. No one had caught sight of Levi, which I was very proud of. I hope it stays that way. There's no need for the world to know the dinosaur that destroyed that beautiful park is alive and well.

As I was about to go to my bathroom to take a needed shower, my phone rang from a call from someone I didn't expect to talk to ever again.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ms. Evans, it's Henry Wu," My mouth hung open when I recognized his voice. "I have something to ask of you."

"What is it?" I sat on my bed and stared at the white wall in front of me.

"Do you perhaps have something that might contain the DNA from the Indominus Rex?" My eyebrows furrowed so hard I wouldn't be surprised if they formed a unibrow. "We tried looking for his skeleton but found nothing and... lost some men to the Mosasaur," Dr. Wu explained further since my silence must have given him the impression I was confused.

"May I ask what for?" My eyes moved to Levi's tooth on my desk. That's what I have left of him. No way I'll give it to the mad scientist.

"I would say it's classified. But since you did such a good job keeping the Indominus Rex a secret from even your close coworkers, I don't see the harm. A group of people that are assisting me is making a new dinosaur with a similar design of the Indominus, but smaller and deadlier." 

I don't think a dinosaur can be deadlier than Levi.

"Why? I don't think the public will be too keen on having another park with dinosaurs since the last two didn't work," Certainly, the amount of deaths and loss made anyone think thrice in making yet another park with dinosaurs.

"It's not for another park. We only plan on making one for now, for testing reasons as it's just a prototype," I cringed when he spoke about the dinosaur as some science project. Even though he's worked with them for years, he still hasn't changed his view. "Their purpose has not yet been disclosed to me, but it's definitely not for show and tell."

"And why do you need DNA from the Indominus?" I questioned.

"Well, you see, we have one in development, but it was created from my personal knowledge, which consequently has things missing. Things that made the Indominus as perfect as he was," He responded.

"But you obviously didn't find him," I say, shrugging and laying down on my bed.

"That's why I called you, in hopes of you having something that belonged to him. A scale or even a tooth, perhaps," He said in a hopeful tone. With my eyes still fixated on Levi's tooth, I swore not to give it up. I didn't want a dinosaur to be made a lab rat again.

"No. I seemed to have forgotten at my room on the island," I lie, trying my best to sound genuine.

"You know, I have a slight suspicion that Indominus isn't dead," My breath hitched as I thought of the worst. "But we've sent a people to check the island in the coastal area and did aerial surveillance but found nothing. So he might be dead, and his bones are long gone."

I sighed in relief at the news. 

Good boy, Levi. You're doing a good job staying hidden.

"But we need something else, another dinosaur," My brows raise in curiosity.

"What dinosaur?" Levi was a completely new dinosaur to the world, so what other dinosaur does he need?



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