11 🦕

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In a couple of hours, we are flying over the tropical forest of Isla Nublar. My face is practically glued to the window. My eyes scan every patch of green for a glimpse of white. But I find none.

He's too smart to stay in the open. 

I sigh and sit properly back on my seat. Far away, on the horizon, black, volcanic smoke rose from the mountain. Never in my life, I thought I would see, in first person, an active volcano. It sure is a magnificent sight to see, only from a safe distance, that is.

One of the several nature forces humans have no control over.

After Claire, I get out of the plane and see a man in military clothing standing close to it. He has a gun strapped on his back, what looks like bullets or sedatives on his front, and sunglasses.

"Ken Wheatley. Welcome back," He shakes Claire's hands and then mine.

"Quite an organization you've got going here," Claire says, looking around the camp.

"Mr. Lockwood takes humanitarian efforts very seriously," Ken says. "Where's the... raptor wrangler? I see I've only met the Indominus tamer," I give him a tight, forced smile before stepping a bit further away from the group.

"Look for a man in black next to the landing area. He'll get you what you need. Then go back to Claire and Owen," Eli's voice came into my mind.

"Claire, I'll just go there, then I'll come back," I leave before I can hear Claire's response so I can find this man in black. I find him not too far away from everyone was, under a tent will some expensive-looking equipment.

"Isabella Evans?" He asks once I reach the tent.

"Yes. Mr. Mills said you had something from me," I cross my arms over my chest, feeling impatient. 

I am on the same island as Levi. I want to find him as fast as I can and leave this place.

"Here," He hands me this weird device that looks like a walkie-talkie with a blinking light, making me think it was a tracker. "He doesn't want you to get lost in there."

"Oh, how thoughtful. Do you think I don't know you'll track me to get him first? He will only come out if I'm the only present," I scoff.

"We know, ma'am. We are just following orders-" He sees my displeasure and annoyance and tries to argue.

"Orders my ass. If I even think you're following me closer than what the deal says, I'll make sure he comes after you, and all that will be left is your blood," I glare at the man with no guilt before walking back to Owen and the others.

"I need your help," I speak softly to Eli.

"What is it that you need?" His hands go inside his pants as he looks down at me. Our height difference surely must keep his ego untouched... until I say mean words.

"The Indominus, Levi," I look down to my feet, thinking over if I should trust him.

"It's dead. What does that has to do with what you want?" He says as if he was stating the obvious.

"He's not," I say barely over a whisper.

"What?" He asks, confused.

"He's not dead. He's at the island," I look up into his eyes with certainty.

"That's not possible; the Mosasaur ate it. We've sent groups of the best trackers and found nothing of it," Eli says in disbelief.

"I'm telling you, he's alive. I tried going back to see him, but now that the island is going to blow up, I need to get him out, and you're going to help me," His eyes fill with contentment, but deep inside, I see the same businessman I've done business with. "But I have rules."

"That's- that's fantastic! All we need is the Raptor and the Indominus, and we can make the perfect-"

"No, you listen to me. The only way you can track or find him me is with me. No me means no Indominus. You'll have to follow my rules," His face turns dark, but he knows he doesn't have an option.

"Go on."

"You'll have a boat separate for him. Once you go get the other dinosaurs, I know you'll pack them together. First, I think you already know he is a very aggressive and territorial dinosaur; there can't be another one in the same boat.

Second, there will be no tranquilizers of real bullets involved. I am more than capable of getting him to the boat without someone interfering. Third, I know you'll want some sort of guarantee that I won't go somewhere else with him, so you can have a team follow me, but over five hundred meters away.

If something happens to me, it's my fault. And lastly, no one can know about this, not even Henry Wu. So those are my rules. Have one of them broken, and I'll make sure you'll never have him, or I'll assist you with your new dinosaur," I extend my hand forward for a shake. "Deal?"

With much reluctance but with trust, he shakes my hand, our eyes locked with each other.


Franklin sprays bug repellent on every inch of his arm, making some drip down onto the car's floor. I cover my nose and mouth from the strong smell of the alcohol and chemicals as I hold back a chuckle. 

What a drama queen. He won't last an hour on his own on this island.

"Need some bug spray?" He asks the man to his right. "Bug spray?" Then to the one to his left, with both denying it. "The T-Rex would be dead by now, right?" He asks in a hopeful tone.

"No, it's impossible to know the lifespan of a clone in a completely different environment," Zia speaks. "take a caveman that would've lived twenty years. Feed him prime meals, give him health care; he's gonna live... five times as long."

"So, it is dead by now?" I facepalm myself from his stupidity. "Right?" The containment gates open, and the armored cars start moving down the dirt road.

Around twenty minutes later, we reach the middle of the park, next to the pyramid building and Mosasaurs water. My eyes never leave the outside in search of... anything that moved. Everything is destroyed, either from the fight against Levi or the three years of dinosaurs that have been roaming around freely.

As soon as the car stops, the ground shakes.

"What was that?" Franklin asks, alarmed. We all look outside to find the source of the tremor. "Is that the T-Rex?"

"I have to see this," Zia says before she jumps out of the car.

"Hey!" Ken calls after her. "Miss? Miss!" We all follow her out of the car as she stares in the direction of the pyramid. "This area is not secure."

We all stop walking as our eyes find the source of what is causing the ground to shake. A big brachiosaurus walking in front of us while giving us no mind. It stops in front of a palm tree half her size, leans down, and rips its leaves. This was her feeding ground now.

"Look at that," I hear Zia's broken voice as she stands next to Claire. "Never thought I'd see one in real life. She's beautiful," I couldn't agree more with her, but I need to find Levi, and fast.


That part in the middle that starts with italics in the continuation of the flashback in chapter 6.

She's on the island, guys!

What do you think will happen?

Make sure to follow me!

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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