19 🦕

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"Levi, stop!" My scream mixes with the men as they run for their lives. Levi is on a blood-thirsty rampage inside a closed space, which is a boat in the middle of the ocean. This is the worst thing that could happen during this time.

Levi manages to grab another worker and bite down on his legs before ripping them off. Then, I see a man with a gun pointing directly at Levi in the corner of my eye.

"Hey!" I shout loudly to distract him. The man loses his focus from Levi, giving me enough time to run over to him.

"You stay right there!" He threatens by raising his gun in my direction. "One more step and I'll shoot you!"

"Shoot me and that dinosaur will kill everyone in this boat and no one will be able to control it," I warn in all seriousness. If only getting threaten to get a punch got the guilty man eaten and Levi chaotic, me getting shot would tear this ship apart and sink it.

"Then make that thing stop!" He cocks his gun in Levi's direction as the dinosaur mauls the poor, dead man in his claws.

"Give me your gun first," I demand. The boat shakes, making the man's gaze go back to Levi feeding. I take advantage of his distraction and jump on him. I knock the gun from his hand and try to make a run for it. But, just as I stand up, he grabs my foot and makes me fall face-first on the metal floor. His large frame crawled on top of me, holding down my legs with his own and my arms his hands.

"You little bitch. I'll make you regret what you just did," He growls angrily next to my ear. I am flipped around, and his hands leave my arms to wrap around my throat in an instant. My hands shoot to his wrists to claw his arm off. His thumbs press against my trachea, cutting my oxygen supply and dealing great pain.

Black dots decorate my vision, growing bigger and bigger with each passing second. My arms and hands are no longer responding to my commands but are fall to my sides with no energy to make any more moves. Just as everything turns black and the world goes still, a deafening roar reaches my ears and shakes the cold, metal floor, followed by the man's weight completely removed from me.

A warm, sticky liquid drips on my face, but the lack of oxygen has already done enough damage, so my eyes close, and I fall unconscious.

What felt like a year was possibly a few hours when I finally open my eyes. I have no idea where I am from the lack of light, except for small cracks that greedily hide the source of light from me. I try to sit up but hit something hard yet soft. My hands reach upward to feel tough scales over my head. 


The floor doesn't tilt like the waves, up and down. This floor was still. My hand skimmed over it, and I concluded it was concrete and not metal. 

We made it to land while I was unconscious. Great.

"What is going on here?!" A familiar male voice shouts in discontent and aggravation. "Where is she?!"

"Sir, the Indominus won't let her go. I willingly took her here in its jaws, not daring to kill any more workers and covered her," An unknown voice explains fearfully.

"What do you mean?" The familiar voice inquires.

"We had multiple casualties inside the boat, at least five eaten, two dead, and eleven injured."

"For God's sake. It's their fault they made the beast go mad," The air around me rumbles along with the patch of skin laid over me. "Why is it staring at me like that?" It must be Eli.

"I-I don't know sir. It's been staring and growling at anyone who stood too close," From my imagination of what was happening, Eli stepped closer to confirm what was said, causing a louder, warning growl to sound in Levi's throat.

"Get her out of there. We need her for both dinosaurs to behave. You have thirty minutes of you're fired!" Eli shouts at the poor man before leaving with angry, heavy steps. Levi's growling ceases as he tightens my already small space.

After that, the chatter isn't comprehensible anymore, giving me a chance to speak, and only Levi hear me.

"Hey, Levi, I'm awake. Do let the bad people know that," A smile graces my lips as the space around me grows in size but still doesn't expose me. And Levi turns his head to look at me with his left eye. "I'm going to have you let me go, Levi," He shakes his head. "I'm serious; I need to know if we are safe."

He whines but complies, very hesitantly. Then, finally, he lifts his head and moves his arms away from me, tucking them to his sides. His large head is still low enough so he can strike if he needs to, but I just shake my head in amusement and stand up.

"No need to come and rescue me," I say, looking at the men. I look around the hanger-like room – which is most likely underground – where Levi had no restraints on him but is laying down on the concrete floor like an obedient dog.

"Wha- How?" The man's voice is the same as the one Eli was shouting at.

"Magic. Now, where's Eli?" I clap my hands and stare at the men expectantly. They all stare in awe of fear. Not every day do you see a young woman emerge from the grip of a giant, vicious killer.


 Guys, I'm so sorry to make you wait almost a month for an update. Things have become a little hectic for me at school, but I'm still doing my best to update.

Hope you guys aren't too mad at me.

Make sure to follow me!

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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