37 🦕

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It was only after one year that I contacted Owen and Claire, with them Maisie as well. After that, I wanted to lay low and cut all my connections to everyone and also take care of Levi and Archer to adapt to their new home. They've adapted very well, only recently venturing the whole extent of the property but wanted more.

With one at a time, I took them to walk around the empty slots around the property, which was a massive area. Because of their scents, shakes of the ground, and loud roars, most of the bigger fauna had left both my property and the area around it, but they still found prey to hunt.

And when I return from one of such adventures with Archer, me on his back as no way in hell I would walk all the way back; I see a car parked in front of my house that I have never seen before. Of course, my initial thoughts were that it was from the government for its sleek black color. But a small girl running out of the vehicle had relief flushing my body.


After I made sure Archer would stay stationed in the barn – which with Damon's and my help made it higher and bigger – I entered my house to encounter Owen, Claire, and little Maisie in the living room.

As expected, I was bombarded with questions, first of where I was all this time, and second, about the Indo hybrids. It took me a good few hours to completely fill them, the adults, of all that happened from my first day arriving at Isla Nublar to work in Jurassic World.

From my encounter with Blue to the help of the Mosasaurus – who I found in the news was spotted eating people at a beach somewhere – I told them all that transpired years ago. Then, I told them all that occurred for my involvement with Archer, and now their current situation, which was them sleeping in my barn with several bunnies running around.

Marshmallow became pregnant again, as well as two of her first batch of babies. So currently, there were sixteen bunnies in the barn being taken care of by two apex predators. But for some reason, Marshmallow got sick the week prior, and I had her on house arrest, much to Levi's dismay.

Once hearing this, Maisie ran around the house until she came back with the white fluff ball in her arms.

"So, where are they?" The little girl asks, not taking her eyes from the bunny in her arms.

"Just outside. You guys are lucky I was with Archer, and Levi was somewhere on the property. And I'm sure if my brother were here, he wouldn't be able to stop them from coming after you. They barely tolerate his existence," I mutter the last part to myself. Though they don't go after Damon, Levi and Archer still have a slight distaste for him, usually growling warningly at him when we hang out on the property or even push him to the floor, but no biting or scratching of sorts.

"I still can't believe they even obey you. They kill everything in their sight," Claire comments, still very surprised with the information.

"They do kill everything that moves, both small and big, except for bunnies. They like those," Maisie's giggled brought a smile to my face. "I guess it's just a bond I created with them as I raised them. But if you are with me, I'm sure they won't hurt you," I reassure them. "Who wants to go first? It's best if you go one by one."

"I want to," Maisie jumps to my side.

"You have to let go of Marshmallow first. They are very attached to her and very protective," She places the white bunny down and grabs my extended hand. "I'm going to show you to the big guy first, okay?" She nods nervously. "You two stay here. Make yourselves at home."

I walk out with Maisie holding my hand tightly, definitely anxious and scared of what might happen.

"Levi! Come here for a sec," I call out to the back of my house. It takes a couple of seconds before the ground shakes with the heavy footsteps. Levi peeks his head from the side of the house, curious to see why I had called him. His eyes immediately catch sight of Maisie and lock on her. Maisie's hold on my hand tightens as the massive dinosaur approaches us. "Don't worry. He won't hurt you."

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