My Own Tagged Thingy

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I've always wanted to do one of these but no one ever tags me on anything, so I'm doing one of my own.

1. Full name

My full name is Isabela Serednicki

2. Height

I am 1.7 meter tall, and in feet I think I'm 5'5, not sure. Do the conversion if you don't know the metric system.

3. Age and Birthday

I am 18 years old, born on the 1st of September of 2001

4. Celebrity crush

My celebrity crush is Jungkook from BTS and Robbie Kay from OUAT (Once Upon A Time)

5. Ever been in love

I don't think so, maybe some crushes here and there, but not love

6. Lockscreen wallpaper

That's my boyfriend right there guys 🥰 💜 🐰

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That's my boyfriend right there guys 🥰 💜 🐰

7. Longest Relationship

Guys, I'm single since forever, and will probably remain that way 😔 

8. Eye & Hair Color

I have hazel eyes and brown hair with blonde highlights that have damaged my hair (not too much though)

9. Fav Food & Drink

My favorite food is sushi 🍣 and my favorite drink is water (I'm that boring)

10. Fav singer\band

If you haven't already noticed by my profile pics, my favorite band is BTS, so the singer would be Jungkook, but I love them all.

11. Fav movie & Song

My favorite movie is between John Wick and It 2017. My favorite song is IDOL by BTS (feat Nicki Minaj) (IDOL SUPREMACY)

12. First Kiss

So.... single since forever + looks like a potato = being 18 years old and never kissed

13. Ever Lost Someone

Like died, my dogs. That was sad. As for people, only at parties 😂

14. Zodiac Sign

Virgo (where my Virgo gang at?)

15. Fav TV Show


16. Middle Nane

de Queiroz (as "isabela de Queiroz serednicki") I didn't write this in the first question so I could answer this one

17. # of kids I want

Guys, I don't want pregnancy pain at the moment, but one or two kids

18. Meaning of my @

My nickname "bela" and my surname "serednicki" but with an "s" in the end since I have another account I lost the password without the "s"

There was no creative thought behind it, as you can see

19.Fav Sport

Horse riding

20. Biggest Fear

Dying, I guess 🤷‍♀️

21. Unpopular Opinion

Water does have a taste and US water sucks (sorry for any American readers)

22. Birth Country

Brazil ole ole olá

23. What inspires me

Idk on what context but for the stories I write is lack of stories the way I want, so I write them, and for life, is to be successful, I guess

24. Addiction

BTS... I'm kidding. Chocolate, my dogs, reading, not sure. Food

25. Grade I'm in

I'm a senior now, so 12th grade

26. Dream Job

I mean, if I can have money without working I'm good. But I think an engineer would be cool

27. Hobby(s)

Writing, eating, watching Youtube

28. Fav Song ATM


29. Relationship Status

Single af

Where is my single gang at?

30. Other

Ask me anything here, even personal stuff if you guys want.

I enjoy answering you guy's questions and doubts.

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