28 🦕

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In one second, Maisie's falling from the tall building, and in the next second, she is in Levi's jaws. He opens his mouth at the last second, and all I could see is poor Maisie falling inside. Levi pushes himself from the building and crouches to the floor.

I jump from his back just in time to see him opening his mouth, and a traumatized Maisie falls on the stone floor. Her body is drenched from both the rain and the saliva as she stares at nothing with wide eyes and pale skin.

"Hey, Maisie, it's gonna be okay," I gently grab her under her knees and back and place her on the side of the building. "Stay here, okay?" Not waiting for her to answer, I run back to Levi and climb his snout. "Put me on top of the building," I tell him.

Levi stands up with care, not too hastily as to not make me fall, and goes to the side of the building again, trying his best to get as high up as he can. I stretch my arms to get a better grip on the wall to climb up, but the stone was too slippery. Another screech warns me I didn't have much time left or Owen will be Archer's next dinner.

"I can't reach him," I cry out to myself. "Levi, throw me," I look down at Levi and do a hand signal. He crouches once again as so do I; then he launches me like spring. I can't help but scream, then I land right next to Owen, slipping a bit on the glass, but he catches me just in time.

"Jesus Bella," He breathes out from fright. "Ho-how?"

"I'll explain to you later," I see him looking down on Levi that has his gaze locked on Owen, waiting for him to touch me the wrong way to rip him into pieces. My eyes leave Levi and look at Archer. He looks determined to get Owen no matter what. He is yet to notice me standing here.

A loud clanging noise of metal hitting metal catches the attention of the three of us on top of the glass dome.

"Heeeey!" Claire screams as she bangs a gun on the metal beam. Archer looks at her as a new prey to kill. Clarie raises her gun, and I instantly know what she's going to do. Archer takes small steps back while gurgling and growling at her. She looks at us with the gun raised, and I step in front of Owen and nod at her.

She turns on the laser on the gun, making Archer's attention turn entirely into it, then moves from him to me. His orange-red eyes lock with mine as he took in his position to attack as soon as he is commanded. I felt Owen's hand grab my arm, but I slap it off.

You are going to have to trust me on this one, pal.

"Come on," I whisper to myself as I open my arms, a signal for both Archer and Claire. The instant Claire presses on the button on the side of the gun, and the high-pitched noise comes on, Archer gives his screech-like roar and jumps in my direction.

I push Owen to the side, making him slide down the glass onto the rooftop, then step back until my back hits the metal pole behind me. Archer lands just in front of me, breaking the glass where his feet fell but quickly recovers.

My eyes close from natural reflex along with the rain trailing down my face. And when I open them, Archer has his nose right in front of my face. His hot breath fans my freezing skin.

"Good boy Archer," I praise him in a low, wavering voice from the cold. "Now you're gonna be an extra good boy and get down of here," I say as sternly as I can. "If you go after someone again, mommy won't be happy at all."

I raise my hand that isn't holding onto the metal pole for dear life, so I don't fall to touch his jaw, but Owen has to ruin it.

"Get out of there, Isabella!" He sounds desperate and worried, but he is only making this more challenging to make Archer calm down.

"It's okay, Owen, Claire!" I shout, not letting my eyes leave Archer's, or he may get out of his current calm state. "You can get Maisie on your way down. I'll handle this, go before remembers you're still alive," I wave them off.

"Are you sure?" Claire asks loudly over the rain.

"Yes, I'm sure. But, please go get Maisie," I'm not worried Levi is gonna eat the little kid since if he wanted, he would've done the second she was in his mouth. Yet, he dropped her with the most care he could and let her go with no problem. 

He doesn't like her, but he doesn't dislike her; he tolerates her existence, I think.

As the two leave, I place my hand on the side of Archer's jaw and slowly move it over to the middle of his snout, going down to his nose and push it down and to the side so he could see me with one eye.

"We are gonna get down from here. You're going to follow me and do nothing but that. Do you understand me?" He stays unmoving for a couple of seconds before gurgling in agreement.

Please don't ask me how I know when he says yes or no. I guess from personal experience, I've learned to differentiate both most of the time.

In record time, we make it to a window on the lowest floor, which is right next to where I left Levi. 

And where I hope he still is.

Archer had his nose touching my back or the back of my head and the way down here.

Why didn't I jump off the side and land on Levi? Because that way is more likely to get a fight out of the two and have both significantly injured, or worse, one of them killed. Thankfully the window opens widely with ease, giving Archer no need to break it, but I still open it to make sure Maisie isn't going to get caught in between the two hybrids.

It is too dark to see anything clearly, but I am sure she isn't there anymore, but Levi was, crouched onto the floor in a position he was relaxing but still able to pounce.

"It's now or never," I chant to myself before opening the window and jumping out onto the cold rain that has thankfully decreased and is going away and to the hybrid fight that might happen.


What a long chapter, don't you agree?

I don't know if you noticed, but the story is coming to an end. It might end this chapter, next chapter, who knows.

I'm happy to see you guys are enjoying this story as much as I am. I'll be sad to stop updating it in the near future. Once this story is over, I'll publish the first chapter(s) of the stories I want to write, and the one with the most votes will be the next one I'll start writing. Please make sure to follow me to know when I'll be posting and when I'll be unpublishing them.

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Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

The Indoraptor and A Girl  ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang