27 🦕

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"Levi, up!" I stride to his side and use his arm to climb on his back.

"Woah! Wait! Where are you going?" I am more than sure Damon is shocked to see something like this. It's not every day you see your sister ride a hybrid dinosaur.

"I'm going to get Archer," I pat Levi's neck, and he stands his full height, making Damon step back in fright.

"Why don't you take me with you? I can help," He asks worriedly.

"He'll kill you, Damon. He isn't stable right now. You stay inside and don't come out until I come after you," I warn him. As much as I know, I can control Archer, right now, in his bloodthirst rampage. The only person I am certain he won't attack is me. As for any other living being, I can't promise their safety. "Come on, Levi, follow the sound," He grunts in response and walks away from my brother.

He isn't running because his footsteps would attract unwanted attention. His vision and hearing senses are better when he walks slowly. We walk for thirty seconds around the house before I start to shiver from the cold.

Levi stops in his tracks and tilts his head to the side to listen better to whatever caught his attention.

"Stay still," I say to Levi as I carefully stand on his back. I am very much glad he is such a big dinosaur as I can stand on top of him without the problem of falling off.

Putting my hands over my eyes to stop the rain from enabling me to see, I catch a glimpse of a dark body moving over a glass-like dome in the close distance.

"Go boy, go to that bright building," I slide down to sit on his neck again before he walks at a fast pace, but still not running. The closer we get, the better I can see Archer on top of a glass dome, his gaze never leaving Owen and Maisie. 

Oh no.

The body under me starts to rumble and vibrate from the growls continuously forming. The steps slow down as Levi's body lowers to the ground to stay out of view as much as possible.

"Levi, stop," Immediately, his movements halted. "He's a friend. Please don't fight him," He tilted his head to the side to look at me with his left eye, making a soft noise of confusion. "Trust me. If he does anything, try to communicate with him," In response, he sneezes and shakes his head to get rid of water droplets on his eyes. "Good boy."

Archer keeps his eyes trained on Owen and a terrified Maisie. He steps on the glass with his front legs, but it breaks from his heavy weight. But it will only slow him down as a dinosaur as intelligent and as stubborn as he is. He will reach his prey one way or another.

Levi stops right under the building, just below Maise and Owen. Archer roars in frustration, making Maisie slip and fall from where she was, almost slipping down the glass, but Owen catches her just in time.

"Owen!" I shout loud enough for him to hear me. His head snaps in my direction, and if it weren't for the rain and dark night, I would've been able to see his shocked face. First, for seeing me, second, for seeing Levi, and third, for seeing me on top of Levi. "Let her go! We'll catch her!" I stand up on Levi once again and carefully walk to his middle, the widest place I can stand, and be sure not to fall. "Levi, up."

Levi looks at my hand movement through one eye does his best to "climb" the stone building, standing on the tips of his foot, his thick tail lays down on the wet floor for support, and his claws embed into the old stone wall.

"Aah!" Maisie screams as soon as her eyes land on the massive beast staring up at her from below.

"Maisie, it's okay! He won't hurt you!" I stretch my arms to her. "He'll catch you, I promise," I give Owen a nod of reassurance. "Levi,  she is my friend, not food. So do not eat her," I say loud enough so only he can hear me. He makes some gurgling noise but doesn't show any signs of disobedience.

Before the little girl can reply, Owen nods and let the screaming girl go. She screams in terror as she falls down the slippery glass, to the rock building, and right into Levi's jaws.


Cliff hanger! I love you guys so much.

What do you think is going to happen? Any guesses?

Is Levi going to eat Maisie or save her?

What do you think will happen when Archer and Levi confront each other?

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Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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