31 🦕

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I am thankful Levi knows the way back to where Damon is supposed to be and to see my brother standing under a protected area from the rain, with Levi's eyes trained on him.

With Archer, there will be a problem getting him not to try to eat Damon, but I think he will do just fine from his behavior a few moments ago. Hopefully.

"Woah! What's that!?" Damon points at Archer behind me, his face one of complete terror.

"This is Archer, the new hybrid made, based on Levi and Blue, but is called the Indoraptor," I stop walking toward him once I am a couple of meters of distance, safe enough not to have Archer jump on him out of sheer instinct. "You drive the car while I stay on the back watching them," Thankfully, Damon's car is a large pickup truck.

"Why do we put him on the truck's bed?" My brother suggests.

"That would be a good idea if he didn't weigh a ton," I point at Archer behind me. "Don't worry. They are gonna follow us until we reach home. I won't let them eat you," I give him a teasing wink.

"But you're clothes are soaking wet, the rain has stopped, but you will still catch a cold," Damon takes a step forward but halts his movements when both dinosaurs growl warningly.

"Shush, you two," The two stop growling, but their eyes are trained on my brother and me as I take a step closer to him, making sure that Archer doesn't move first. "Come on. We have to get going, it's a mess inside, and we need to leave before anyone sees them," I grab his hand and gesture for him to take me to his car.

Sure enough, the two hybrids follow me, each giving the other a glance to make sure they weren't too close to one another. I don't blame them for their mistrust.

"Your car is surely-" I shiver before continuing. "Quite far," We've left the premises of the Lockwood mansion as well as its light source, forced to walk in complete darkness if it weren't for Damon's phone flashlight.

"I didn't think it was safe to park close because of the visitors, as well when you have a dinosaur as big as Levi run away, you don't think of parking somewhere nice," I chuckle and lean my head on his shoulder. "And if he wanted to eat me, I could gain some time going through the vegetation before getting to the car and running off."

"He could eat you while you are in the car too, or right now if he wanted," Without him seeing, I signal using my hands for Levi to step closer. On cue, his large white snout pushed softly against Damon's back, scaring the crap out of him, much to my amusement.

"AH!" He screams and dashes off, leaving me leaning on my knees as I laugh loudly.

"I should've filmed that," I say between my laughs.

Once my laughs come to a halt, I catch up to my brother, who I soon found already inside the car looking as pale as a ghost. After much teasing, I sit on the bed of the truck once I had told separately to Levi and Archer to follow the car and not fight.

Archer is a bit more stubborn to calm down since he has never been outside, and even with the earlier events, he is still wary of the environment. But even so, after a bit of coaching, both are ready to leave this place.

I'll get you guys home soon.


Short filler chapter. I'm happy you guys liked the 3rd person POV chapter. I'll make sure to write another one in the near future.

The story is almost at its end, but I'll try my best to make a couple more chapters for the aftermath, you know.

Make sure to follow me!

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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