Chapter 6

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Rudy had come in to check on me when she started to hear me puke. She gave me some pain reliever, and a bottle of water. She let me stay home from school, and told my dad I had excessively thrown up. I had fallen back asleep and didn't wake up until about 1:00. I had gotten up and opened the window. I made my way to the bathroom, still in my shorts and tank. I opened the bathroom door and walked inside. The tile was cold, even though I was wearing socks. I shut the door and turned to my right. My hair had been messily put up by Rudy when I was puking. I took it out and scrunched it a couple times. I felt fine, all except for the rash I now had on my thighs and the fact that I was hungry from throwing up those pills from letting them sit in my throat and the food I ate.

I decided to get into the shower, figuring I probably smell nothing like vanilla and sugar. I got undressed and grabbed a towel from underneath the sink. I hung it on the rail next to the shower and pulled back the satiny curtain. I stepped in and reached for the hot water. The water trickled from the tub foset. I watched as the stream grew larger as steam started to rise from the water. I just stood there standing, gazing at the water as if I've never seen anything like it. I was zoning out and wanting to sit down and think as I let the boiling water heat me. The water reached my toes on the tub floor and I jumped at its extreme hotness. I reached for the cold, turning it on only enough to make the water bearable. I switched the tub to shower, and a delayed time after I felt the water pelt against my face, chest, and stomach.

The water felt so good, after being cold while getting undressed. I quickly unsnapped out of my pensive trance and washed my hair and body, and shaved my legs and armpits. My water starts to run cold from having it on hot all the way before I turned it to shower, so I turned cold all the way off. It started to burn at first, but it was okay once I got used to it. I started to slowly crouch, reentering my pensive stage. I sat down in the middle of the tub, bringing my legs up to my chest and crossed them at the ankles. I brung my arms around my legs, my hands each grabbing the opposite one. I bent my head down and placed it on my knees. I sat there slowly breathing in the moist, hot air as the water hit against my. Steam was rising off my body as I sat there just wondering, thinking, questioning everything I've ever come in counter with.

I sat there so long, I eventually got so relaxed I fell asleep. I had fallen asleep thinking about everything in my life, and I stumbled upon a dream. In my dream, I was in a hot, dense Rain Forrest. I am Eve, and Jake is Adam. I was made from him, his rib to be exact, and he was made from the soil, which god had made possible. God had made us to be together. But in my dream, we don't eat from the fruited tree, we live happily together in the forest and never bothered anyone. Then a hunter (my father) mistakes us for animals and shoots us and hang us up on his wall.

I woke from my dream when someone pounded on the door. It was Rudy, and she yelled for me to get because I should be in bed. I hadn't realized it, but the water was completely ice cold. I jumped up and got a head rush. I leaned against the wall so I didn't fall and Rudy would have to pick my cold knocked out body up off the floor. When I leaned against the wall my arm hit it and made a thud. I steadied my self and began to shut off the water.

"You alright child?" Rudy asked me through the door. I grabbed my towel and started drying off.

"Yeah, I just hit my arm against the wall. I'll be out in a second." I finished drying off and stepped completely out of the shower. I shut the shower curtain and turned on the fan as I opened the door. I shut off the light and walked out to meet Rudy. I shut the door and walked to my room to get on cloths. I grabbed a pair of sweats from my bottom drawer and grabbed a pair of panties, a sports bra, and a pair of the worlds most fuzziest socks ever. I reached inside my middle drawer and pulled out an undershirt so if I get hot I can take off my sweatshirt. Rudy left me alone in my room to get dressed, and I closed my door.

Once I was dressed, I opened my door and went into the bathroom. I brushed my still damp hair and then put it up. Once it was up I braided it and trusted it around on my head. I opened the second drawer on the sink and pulled out deodorant and started putting some on. I made my way down stairs. I was starving after throwing up everything. I went into the kitchen where I met Rudy.

"Do you want me to make you somethin' to eat honey?" Rudy asked my looking concerned. I consider Rudy more of my mom than my real mom. Even though Rudy would have been like twelve when she would have had me, I loved her like my mom. She was rummaging through the fridge and cabinets naming off things she was willing to make, which was actually a lot. "Sliced pineapple, cereal, eggs, sausages, toast, pancakes...." She said starting to trail off.

"Pancakes actually sound really good." I say leaning in closer toward her. She pulls out the pancake mix and shuts the cabinet back.

"Want a fruit or somethin?" She asks looking at me, hand on the fridge. I nod and go sit on the stool by the island. A few minutes later she plops down a plate of mini pancakes with assorted fruit on top. She then sets down the syrup and starts cleaning up.

"What's today? Is it Tuesday?" I ask looking for a calendar, only to find blank wall everywhere. I start on my pancakes and look up at Rudy as she walks over to the sink.

"No, Darlin', it's Thursday. Why you ask?" she asked as she headed over toward me and leaned down and studied my face."you got a hot date tonight?" She asked jokingly as she backed up and headed toward the window to open it. My face blushed, even though I didn't, but the mere thought of Jake coming over for a date tonight and seeing me in my sweats made me nervous. I finished my pancakes and put my plate in the sink. I hurried up the stairs and went into my bedroom. I shut the door and was greeted by someone special on my bed again.

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