Chapter 13

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As stood as I was through the tunnel I ran to Jake. I leaped into his arms and began crying again. He calmed me down as everyone around us was unaware of the situation. We told the others and his mom broke down crying into his fathers lap. We had told them about me keeping the house and moving in my stuff.

"Do you know where his body is?" His dad asked. I nodded confusedly. He cleared his throat and pulled a wadded up piece of paper from his pocket. He handed it to me and started giving me instructions as I read the paper. It had a picture of an eclipse and a body on a fire. Then it had a man coming out of a fire. It then showed the man acting normal. Jakes dad started talking and I started listening.

"Emily, you must find his body and store it in a dark place. Then on the next eclipse, build a fire and carefully place his body on the fire, for he would have to live with any injuries he has. Then he will arise from the fire and begin healing rapidly. The next eclipse is August thirteenth. If you preserve his body in salt and on ice, you don't have to worry about it decaying as fast. But if it does, he will heal in about an hour. Make him that special drink that he always carried with him and make him drink at least three cups immediately." I was shooken by the level of grossness, but surprised his dad knew about the cup he always brought with him. I looked at Jake because I didn't even know what was in there.

"I have the recipe in the box of important stuff, it's fairly simple, I have all the ingredients to make it in the basement. I nodded and his dad continued.

"If anyone is to come by the house, tell them that Jake has went to Europe to go to a special college, but he doesn't like it so he'll be back in late August. Pack a suitcase of most of his clothing, including his tooth brush, deodorant, shampoo and other necessary things and bury it in deeply in the woods." I nodded again. I was going to have to leave and get to work on moving in my stuff so I could watch the house while he's away, (I'd tell my parents) and getting his body into his taxidermy freezer. I also had to bury his cloths and other things in the woods, hopefully I could do all of this before it gets dark. I nodded then thanked him.

I walked up to him and threw my arms around him. He stroked my hair and wiped a tear from my cheek when it leaked out of my eye. "I also have a few old Jack Daniels bottles full of money in my closet next to the box if you ever need money to fix anything or if you run out of groceries or something." He whispered to me in my ear. More tears ran down my cheek and I stepped toward the fire and leaped into it and was back to reality.

I woke up in a jerk, with hot tears streaming down the sides of my face. I got up and walked back where his body lie. I dragged it up all the way to the house, taking me about two hours, and went back and destroyed the evidence that anything had gone on that morning. It was still raining, but it was lighter than it had been this morning and the thunder and lighting had stopped. I had carried jakes body down into the basement and gently put it in the giant taxidermy freezer next to a little bunny and deer. I added more ice and went up stairs to wash my hands like crazy, then to add salt to his body.

I was all sorts of gross, and was now going into his bedroom to pull out almost every piece of clothing he owned except for a few odd pieces I left in there to make it look like he just left, not moved. I grabbed his other things and packed it all as best as I could into two trash bags. I went about twenty feet past his tree house and began digging a giant hole. I was done in another hour and piled his stuff in. I recovered it and replaced the grass to make it look like nothing had been done.

I made my way back to the house and put away the shovel. I checked myself over in the mirror to make sure I didn't have any blood or any gross anything that could be questionable. My smell, smelled like a dead, old, moldy, musty, skunk... but I could deal with that and say I tripped and fell onto a dead animal on the side of the road. I walked back, only carrying the cooler that Rudy let me borrow and made my way back to my house.

When I stepped in the door, I was greeted by a disgusted look on my parents face. I had told them that Jake had asked me to move in with him and watch over the house while he went to college in Europe and that there was nothing he could do about it. Rudy didn't like the fact that I was leaving, but she was proud of me growing up. She helped me pack all of my cloths and things, and my room was now just my bed, desk, chairs, dresser, night stands, and a piano they were going to bring on the second trip. I had let everything go in a bag or box except for the dream catcher. We piled everything into the Gardeners truck and made our way to jakes. I had explained he left an hour ago because he couldn't miss his flight.

We set everything in the living room and Rudy and I went back for my piano. It took a while for the strongest five men in the house to get it out of my room and down to the truck and into the house and into the second bedroom. I told them all I would visit soon and thanks for everything and to just call if they ever needed anything. I told them I would keep going to school, and go to college, and apply for a job sometime this week.

When they left I packed away all of my stuff, now filling up half of the closet and half of the dresser. I put everything in a place, including the dream catcher, on the wall right above the bed. I had not eaten, because I was not hungry. I was sitting on the couch, feeling cold and alone, missing his warmth, when I suddenly had the urge that I was sick. I ran to the bathroom and started throwing my guts up like there was no tomorrow. I took a pain reliever pill and went into the bedroom. I went in the closet and pulled out the box and sifted through it for a spare key. I added it to my key ring and hung my keys up on the nail on the cabinet.

I placed the box back in the closet and looked at the seven whiskey bottles full of money. I gasped and noticed how most of the bills in there were twenties. Jake did not believe in banks I could tell. He had worked so hard all his life just to have it wasted by saving me, and apparently another, according to his mom. I had shut the closet door and went back and shut off all the lights. I locked both doors and made my way to the bedroom. I stubbed my toe on the wall because I'm not yet used to this house when it's dark. I slipped into bed, wishing Jake was right here beside me, and fell asleep.

I had passed through the tunnel, seeing every moment of my life I was with Jake pass before my eyes. It ended when I shoved him in the freezer, then I was sitting in the circle. I told everyone that everything was done and all I have to do is learn how to make the drink. Then, all we have to do is wait. We sat there awhile, then the flames started to die away. I got up to hug him and his parents. I hugged Jake, then his dad and finally his mom. I hugged her, and when her stomach met with mine, her breath hitched.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned. She looked at me, then at Jake.

"Did you too DO anything while you too were camping?" She asked. My face blushed and Jake nodded, smiling.

"Yes, why?" I asked, getting even more concerned and nervous. Her face looked pale and Jakes dad's hand was now on her shoulder as her arms still held me. Jake and I were both looking curiously at her.

"Because honey," she said while pausing, switching eye contact between Jake and I. Jake had stopped smiling and I was now very nervous. "Your pregnant." She said. Jakes mouth fell open, everyone looked at me and Jake. What she whispered to Jake now made since, but the mere thought shot me like a bullet.

There will be at least two more books, I want to make this a series. Thanks so much for reading! The second book will be called.... The Night Of The Eclipse. Please follow me of you liked this book!

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