Chapter 7

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Jake was sitting up on my bed smiling at me. I was wondering why he was smiling so big like that, then I remembered I was in my old sweats with my hair up. I don't usually wear my hair up, I normally let it hang down on my back. I mentally shrugged and walked over to his side. He opened his arms and I sat down into his lap. He was wearing medium colored jeans and a green shirt. I curled up into a ball on top of him and snuggled my head into his chest. I unwrapped my arms from around him and started taking out my hair. I shook my hair loose ones the ponies were out. My hair was now dry, but wavy because of drying in a braided bun. I then curled back up to him and put my arms around him. He put his arms around me then leaned back on my bed. I fell onto him very ungracefully and he laughed at me, then I laughed back. He started kissing my forehead leading down to my lips. When he got close to my corner of my mouth, I warned him about my little trick this morning.

He shook his head and told me,"I don't care if you threw up a few times. What I care about is showing I love you and making sure you know I care." He looked deeply into my eyes, filling my vision with only the brown of his irises. "But I'm also worried about you intentionally harming yourself. I know those pills won't hurt you, but a different kind will. Please don't do that, okay?" He asked me with a pleading look that would make anyone break down. I nodded and snuggled against him listening to his heart beets and steady breaths. "I've got something to show you. If you can, meet me out in the Forrest behind my house at 7:30." He told me now stroking my hair.

"I'll try." I whispered. I wondered what he was going to show me. I completely trusted Jake, and I would trust him with my life. I wouldn't even care if Jake took me into a prison cell with the worlds worst criminal, I would feel safe with him. But the Forrest behind his house gave me the creeps.

We laid there for a while listening to each others hearts and hearing our breaths. Rudy had told me she had to go shopping, and my parents were at a house party. When it got close to time for Rudy to be home, I escorted Jake out of the house, kissing him deeply at my doorstep. I watched him walk down the street with his hands in his pockets as I went back inside.

I had to think of a way Rudy was going to willingly let me out of my house, because there is no way I'm going through the window again. I ran up to my room and got out a journal that I had written down phone numbers of the few friends I hang out with. I keep them as friends in case I need a cover for somewhere I need to go. I flipped to the first page. Trixie. I dialed her number on the I phone I keep shoved in my drawer. I don't like having technology. I'd rather live in a log cabin with a light bulb as my only technology. It rang for about three rings then she answered.

"Hello?" She asked me because she didn't recognize this number.

"Hi, it's Emily. Can I ask you a favor?" I asked. There was a little pause, then she spoke.

"What kind of favor?" She asked. Trixie is the devious kind of person. She will lie for anyone. I knew this wouldn't be any problem.

"I need you to lie for me," I said pausing a little. I could hear her clicking her tongue in the background. "I'm going to tell my parents I'm walking to your house then were going to a movie together at 7:30. Can you do that?" I asked her.

"Umm... Sure. Need anything else?" She asked me.

"Just remember to answer the phone from my parents only before 7:30, because were supposed to be at a movie. Thank you so much!" I said.

"Sure!" She said perkily then hung up. I started picking out cloths from my dresser. I decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a pale salmon baggy T shirt. I got undressed and kicked my sweats into my closet. I started getting dressed and before I got my shirt on I heard Rudy pull up to the driveway. I threw on my shirt and went into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and it went normal again. I walked briskly down the stairs and met Rudy at the island in the kitchen. She was unpacking groceries from a brown paper bag onto the counter.

"Hey. I was just on the phone with my friend trixie, and she wants me to go to this new movie, I think it's called the tooth fairy. I was just telling you that I'm going to walk to her house and were going to the movie at 7:30."I said trying to look excited so she is convinced that I'm feeling better.

"I'm going to say okay, only if you are home immediately after the movie. And call me if you feel sick. Have fun baby." She said as I headed back up to my room. I opened my door and shut it. I shut it a little too hard and a calendar came falling from my wall. I picked it up and looked at it. Today was the 15th and two slots over, on a Saturday, was my 18th birthday circled in red. My breath hitched a little when I realized that it was that soon. I thought I still had weeks to be innocent, but I guess time escaped me. I was never really good with dates anyway. I hung it back up and went to my piano and took a deep breath. I sighed and looked at the clock. It was 4:23, and I had plenty of time for relaxing my thoughts, playing piano, and enjoying my last few days. I began playing Canon in D as I watch my fingers go up and down and across the keys.

I play without mistakes at least three times, then switch to Fur Elise. I play that once or twice, then I played some simple songs, and then more complex. I was playing amazing grace on the piano when Rudy called me down to dinner. I jumped down the stairs and sat at the table. Rudy and I were the only ones because my parents took my aunt to the dinner party with them. Rudy and I ate chicken salad and drank lemonade and talked about things. We sat there for another hour and it was now 6:00.

I went up to my room and got back out my phone. I swear, this is the most I used my phone in two weeks. I dialed Jakes house phone number and he picked up immediately. I asked him if I should bring anything and he just said, " wear cloths that you can move in and good shoes. See you soon!" He hung up on me and I practiced stretching to make sure my cloths were movable enough. They were and I went in my closet and pulled out my tennis shoes. I put them on and went down stairs.

I paced around the living room, in the hallway, in the kitchen, going all over the house and having only minutes pass. I walked all around the house three times by the time it was 6:20. I walked back into the kitchen, and this time I was stopped by Rudy.

"You want me to find you somethin to do? This is the fourth time you've been in here, just in out, in out, in out. Sit down child!" She said. I pulled out a chair and sat down at the kitchen table. She went out of the room, then came back with a few sheets of paper and a handful of random colored pencils. She set them down in front of me and then sat down across from me. "Draw me somethin 'frigerator worthy." She said. I examined the paper, and tried to think of what to draw.

I figured I'd draw something, water based, since the kitchen is blue. I started drawing all sorts of sea creatures. I finished, and it was 7:00, and Rudy was almost asleep. I shook her awake and handed her the picture. I looked at the clock and got up to leave.

"It's time! Got to go." I said as I headed for the front door.

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