Chapter 12

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When I woke up again, I was naked under the blanket I was sleeping with, tied to a tree. My mouth was gagged with a handkerchief and rope. I could not make a sound or even struggle. There was someone standing in front of me wearing a big black hoodie and baggy pants. I could not tell if this person was male or female, but when they spoke, it was definitely male.

"Hello Emily." He said. He was someone who sounded like some one I know, but I don't remember who. I could not reply to his greeting with the nasty language I wanted to use, so I sat there crying. The rope on my mouth was hurting. I began to try and chew it, but it wasn't too long before my teeth started to bleed. He walked closer to me and I could now see that he was about 6 foot 5, and he smelled of whiskey. He looked black, but it was still pretty dark out. He bent down and started to rub my head. I jerked away as hard as I could and bonked it on the tree trunk. He laughed a little, a deep hearty laugh that makes you want to cower away to the deepest, darkest place you could imagine.

"Bet you liked that." He said sarcastically. I looked everywhere, trying to figure out what part of the woods I was in. I was also searching for any sign of Jake. He looked at me with disgust. "Your precious boyfriend won't save you. He won't save you because he can't hear you and doesn't know this part of the woods. Your boyfriend isn't as smart as you think he is." He sneered at me, now bending down so close our noses almost touch. I had chewed the rope almost halfway in half and my teeth were dripping blood. I tried to spit the blood at him to get him to back off. I managed to spurt a few drops at him, but he didn't seem to notice. I was chewing madly on the rope, grinding my teeth against it, trying to get it to break in half. He looked at my jaw, and he backed away when he saw the thick black blood dripping from my mouth.

I heard a twig crack behind me and my only thought was that it was Jake. The man looked up and I got a glimpse of his face. He was Mexican with bright blue eyes. He had a scar across his left eye and had thin lips with crooked teeth. I blinked as another tear ran down my cheek mixing with my blood. The man smiled as another man in a hoodie joined him. This man was in a dark green sweatshirt and baggy pants. He was about half a foot shorter than the first man. It started to thunder and lightning. When the lightning struck, it started to rain. The lightening lit up the sky and I seen the second mans face. He was pale, and had bleach blonde hair. He had emerald green eyes and had smooth baby skin with pink lips. He looked scared, but once he got a look at me, he was as eager as his partner.

I was scared about what they might do to me. I began to whimper as the cold sprinkling began to soak my blanket and wash away the blood. I was chewing like mad now and finally broke the rope and spit out the handkerchief. I screamed and yelled for help. They ran to me and quickly covered my mouth.

"Shut up! Shut up!" The guy with the blue eyes angrily whispered at me. I was still trying to scream through his hand. It was muffled, but it sounded loud to me, but not louder than the thunder and the sound of the rain. I seen another person coming through the rain behind the two men. They weren't paying attention, and when the new guy got close enough, I realized it was Jake. He was soaked, whipping back his hair out of his eyes and trudging through the rain. The ground had turned to mud and the ground was slippery. Jake only had on his boots and his jeans, no shirt. He had a machete and was walking closer now. He raised a finger to his lips that told me to be quiet and not let them know he was there.

Jake came closer, he was no more than five feet from the guy in the green hoodie when he took one more step and the mud under his boot squished and made a sound. Jake quickly slashed the man with his machete and he crumpled to the ground. The man holding my mouth had ran toward Jake and tackled him down. I screamed in terror, not knowing wether or not Jake was okay. They wrestled on the slippery, muddy ground and then stood again, but this time, the other man had the machete. Jake ran at him full speed, screaming and tackled him. They both went to the ground again with a thud.

There was a cliff about twenty yards away and I seen Jake glance at it every so often. They fought and fought, stabbing each other and making me scream every time I saw the big knife enter jakes body. They were making there way closer and closer to the cliff edge. The other man had the machete, and it was pointed at Jake. Jake looked back at me and mouthed the words 'I love you'. My eyes bulged as I realized what he was about to do next he sprinted full speed at the guy, knocking the wind out of him, and the knife slicing into jakes side. Jake had pushed both of them over the cliff edge, where they would never return.

"No!" I cried I shook and struggled to get the ropes loose. I got a hand free and untied myself. I got up, running to the edge where I collapsed and cursed Jesus's name. The rain had already washed the blood away, but he body had remained. I went back to the tree and grabbed the muddy blanket and made my way back to the tent. I grabbed my cloths and went inside where I took a shower.

I went back outside when it stopped raining and picked up the tent and stuff. I brought it all inside and sat on the couch, rubbing the spot where he would sit. I looked at the coffee table in the middle of the living room and there was a paper. The paper read,

'Emily, if you found this, this means something has went terribly wrong when I could not find you when I woke. The first thing I thought of was, maybe she went inside to go to the bathroom, or, maybe she couldn't sleep, or something normal. But then I remembered what my mother had whispered in my ear on your first night with the dream catcher. She had told me that I will risk my life for you one day. And that I will give you another life that some one else will put in danger. I didn't think she meant this soon. I am not sure what she meant by the new life, but if you found this letter, I will be able to ask her when I am forever bound to the dream catcher. I still want you to live in my house, because my great grandparents will know how to rejoin my body to my soul, it will just take some time. Look in my closet and you will find a nike box in the bottom right. That's the deed to my house and things like that. All my information you will need for everything is on there. If you need to talk or have any questions, just fall asleep and ask me, because I will now always be bound to the dream catcher, even if I'm brought back to life. I love you. Goodbye.'

I was in tears. I could not believe what I just read. I calmed myself down and entered my dreamland.

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