Chapter 11

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I woke up in a wonderful mood. I skipped down stairs and Rudy was up making oatmeal.

"Mornin' sugar, want oats?" She asked like she was going to let me not eat. I looked at the stove and it was 6:30. I guess I won't need an alarm clock anymore if I'm always going to wake up at the same time. I nodded at Rudy and she nodded back. I sat down on a barstool at the island and began swaying side to side as I opened my mouth to talk when I was interrupted. "Did you have a good night sleep?" She asked.

"Ye.." I said in a crackled voice. I cleared my throat. "Yes, I did." I said as I scratched my hair and pulled it out of my face. I began to feel the itch again, but it wasn't bad so I could hold it off. Rudy nodded again and then walked over to me and sat a bowl of oatmeal in front of me. It smelled like sugary honey and was hot and made just how I like it. I took a bite, then put my spoon down in my bowl and looked at Rudy. I opened my mouth back up and started talking. " I've planed a camping trip today, Stephanie already gave me the tent and stuff." I said. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows then started to smile a little.

"Where you goin' campin' at?" She asked. I thought about if I should tell her or lie.

"In the woods, there's some not far from here." I said, not giving her specifics. She nodded and I felt some relief.

"Do you want me to make you a few sandwiches, or take you shoppin', or what?" She asked. I hadn't thought about that, so I told her she could make like four sandwiches and I'll take a bag of chips and a few water bottles. She didn't question me about the food, so she must have thought I was staying longer than one day.

After breakfast, I went up stairs and started to get ready. I slipped into the shower for about an hour, reshaving everything and repeating what I did yesterday. I blow dried my hair and flat ironed it. I put on a little bit of eyeshadow and eyeliner. I put on Chapstick and brushed my teeth like crazy. I was red carpet ready by 10:00. I shoved my products in my bag and looked myself over in the mirror. I had strait hair with a side part, some light makeup, I was wearing a coral crop top with a gray heart, a gray undershirt, my hot-butt jeans, and my tennis shoes.

I picked up my tent and carried it down stairs, along with my bag on my back. I walked into the kitchen and Rudy had made a big cooler full of food. She wasn't in the kitchen, but she left me a note. It read, 'Emily, I packed ya more stuff than what you asked for, hope the woods really isn't far because I had to leave. Your parents are sleeping, Stephanie left, and nobody else is home. Have fun on your birthday baby! Need anything, just call. -Rudy.' This was great. I had to walk carrying all this stuff. Oh well. I opened the cooler and it had six sandwiches, a bag of chips, cookies, crackers, cake, and lots of other stuff.

I walked out the front door carrying everything and locking it behind me. I was there in about fifteen minutes and knocked on his door. He answered and smiled.

"You don't have to knock, this is considered your house too. If the doors unlocked, just come in." He said.

"So I live here now?" I asked jokingly. I noticed he got serious.

"You can if you want. I know you don't like your parents, and your eighteen now." He said. I took this in to consideration.

"Okay, I'll break it to my parents, just be prepared to be with my horribleness full time." I said with a chuckle. I walked inside and set the stuff down on the living room floor. Jake was smiling really big and was looking really cheerful today. He didn't have his shirt on and he was in his jeans that made his butt look good.

"We should set that tent up soon so it has time to air out." He said gesturing to the tent. I nodded and picked up the tent. Jake took the tent out of my hands and walked through the back door as I follow. He walks through his back yard and into the woods. We found a clear spot and set up the tent and unzipped the windows. We walked back into the house and started talking on the couch.

We sat there for a while talking about my first time alone. At noon he made lunch and we made our way back to the couch.

"I love you Emily." Jake said. He was gazing deeply into my eyes. He was taking in my scent and I could hear his heart beat all the way from where I was sitting. Jakes scent was intoxicating, and it made me melt into his hands. Apparently he thought my smell was intoxicating too. He put his hand on my arm and glided it up my arm to my cheek. I placed my hand on his cheek and leaned in to kiss him. I kissed him deeply and he kissed me deeper. I moved on top of him and we started an all out make out session. This went on for awhile, then it slowed, then stopped when the phone rang. It rang twice, then stopped in the middle of the third ring. He shrugged it off then helped me up off the couch. "We should bring the rest of the stuff outside." He said.

I licked the access saliva we both left on my lips and picked up my bag, the light, and the cooler. Jake walked to his bedroom and grabbed a few blankets and a blow up mattress. He grabbed two pillows and headed out the back door. We set everything up in the tent and was all set by about 2:00. We went up into his tree house and sat down on the couch. The cat wasn't there this time, and we were all alone. We were snuggled together on the couch, listening to heart beats and stroking hair.

"Are you nervous, because I am." I ask him. He looks at me with sincere eyes.

"Don't be nervous, we love each other, right? And if we love each other there shouldn't be anything to be nervous about." He said looking down at me. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I felt much better about our plans tonight. Time passed by slow. I was examining the room, and apparently Jake was watching my eyes because he practically read my mind. I stared at his shotgun and wondered what it would be like to shoot one. Twenty seconds after I thought about shooting it, he asked if I wanted to shoot it. I looked up at him and smiled. I got off him and stood on the rug next to it. He got up and grabbed it and the box of bullets.

We got out of the tree house and walked into his back yard. We walked over to a big dirt pile. He stood and I stood next to him. He guided me through a few safety tips and told me about the kick. He loaded it and then turned the safety off. He told me to hold it tightly against my shoulder, and to not put my finger on the trigger until I'm ready to shoot. I shot a few times them my shoulder was sore and my arms tired. I told him that was fun, but I was done. It was about 3:45 and we put the gun back. We decided to take a walk in the woods and I enjoyed the scenery. We ended up on the other side of the woods, at the place where his parents house used to be.

He showed me where the house was, and where each room was. I could see the sadness in his eyes and hugged him. He swiped me off my feet and carried me all the way back to the tent. It was dinner time, and we ate the food in the cooler in the tent. It was getting dark, and we were outside all alone. We had started another make out session, and this time, it had let to something more, much more that had lasted for a long time and was sweaty and was a lot of work. I had been laying against him after we were done, feeling his sticky body next to mine. I had fallen asleep again.

I had heard something in the night unzip the tent and pull me out of the tent then cover my mouth so I couldn't scream. It had wrapped me up in a blanket, but I couldn't fight or even struggle because I was so sore. I had been carried off into the night by a stranger, further away from the tent, where my true love lay clueless. All of a sudden, I was hit against the head and knocked out, where I was again greeted by Jakes family.

A Good One GoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon