Chapter 10

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After school I go home. I run up the stairs and into my bedroom. I sit down on my bed and start pulling out my text books and a few sheets of paper. I then dig for a pencil to do my homework with. As I'm searching for a pencil, I pull out my dream catcher. I hang it up on my wall right above my headboard of my bed. I started doing my math and and was done in a few minutes. I was thinking about our camping trip. I thought that we should have it on my actual birthday, and not the day after because that's a Sunday, and I am going to school Monday, and I heard your sore. So I'd rather be sore Sunday. I pulled out my phone and was about to call Jake, when Stephanie walked in.

"Hey." She said. I noticed that she was carrying a large box. I looked at her and she smiled back."I'm leaving early tomorrow, so I thought I'd give this to you today." She said as she came and sat on my bed with me. I set my phone down on my night stand and grabbed the box she watched me unzip the bag, covering the box. It was a five person, black and blue tent, with unzip-able windows and a door, and you could also unzip the roof if we wanted. There were pockets on the bottoms of the corners to store things in.

"Thank you so much!" I say hugging her. She then pulls out so etching from behind her back. She handed me a big LED light that could hang. I noticed that the picture of the ten on the box had a loop for hanging something right in the middle. I smiled at her then she pulled something else from her back. It was a glamour magazine with some new famous woman on the cover. There were little captions all over the cover that said things like '25 helpful sex tips inside!' And 'new ways to make your man want you' and other things like that. I blushed a little, and layer it on my bed. I turned it over and there was a picture of a man and a woman sitting on the poolside on the back.

I smiled sheepishly and said thanks again. She hugged me then went back to her room. I set my tent and light on my dresser and got up to shut my door. I went back to my bed and started to read the magazine. "This is gonna be helpful." I whispered to myself. Thank god for my aunt, or I would have probably failed camping. I opened the front cover and skimmed over the what not to wear and perfume samples. I had chosen Channel as my favorite, and moved on. I looked at the food of the month and finally got to the 25 helpful sex tips. I read through them all and picked up a few things. I had to make sure I shaved EVERYTHING, meaning legs, armpits, and other personal areas. I also had to make sure I was showered, smelled intoxicating, and was sparkling. The magazine said I had a choice on weather or not I want to wear laundre'.

I put down the magazine and called Jake. I asked him of he was okay with doing this a day earlier. He was actually surprised I wanted to earlier and not later. He said yes of corse and I asked him if he knew how to set up a tent. He laughed and said "of corse!" and he hung up and I got to work. I walked over to my dresser and started to get out cloths. I pulled out my jeans that made my butt look amazing. I then pulled out a crop top and then pulled out an undershirt. I got out my lacy black and dark green panties and matching bra. I grabbed a pair of socks and grabbed my shoes. My shoes were dirty, so I took a Mr. Clean magic eraser and cleaned my shoes until they were sparkling. I set my cloths next to my tent and went to my other nightstand. I opened the drawer and pulled out a brand new razor, a bottle of cocoa butter lotion, my fanciest perfume, and many other health products.

I set them down on my dresser as well, and then pulled out my pajamas and a sports bra and my Simpson panties, and an outfit for Sunday. All my things were set. I went into the bathroom with an armful of cloths and bottles and tubes. I came out two and a half hours later, and smelled like a million dollars. I emptied my backpack and started packing my Sunday cloths in. I set my backpack on the dresser and left my products and utensils on the dresser. I went down stairs and Rudy greeted me with a plate of salad. I ate and went back up stairs. When I was brushing my teeth, I got this burning and itching sensation. I quickly checked my self and I was all red. I ran into my room and flipped through the magazine.

I soon came upon an dad for cortozone 10 for woman, and it said it will relieve it and get it looking normal again. I went back into my bathroom and started looking wildly for the special lotion. I found a brand new tube, and applied it. I felt instant relief and took the tube back into my room. I went into my bedroom, and it was now dark. I slipped into bed and started to slip into my new dreamland where I would spend hours talking to Jakes relatives and would have to force myself to leave when the fire dies. I was asleep in a few minutes and was going through the tunnel.

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