"Killing witches is a hobby of mine"

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Asena's POV

Walking down the street with Marcel, I gape at everything. This city has grown since my family was last here. My brows furrow as I see a crowd forming. Clapping his hands, Marcel makes his presence known. I quirk my left eyebrow at the crowd.

Right in the middle of a few vampires stood a lady, a witch, the one I would be killing. She glares at us yet I smirk as I see fear in her brown eyes.

"Jane-Ann Devereaux, you can't practice magic in this town without getting caught" he flashes forward, ready to strike. Acting quickly I speed in front of him and block his hand. Looking at me with shock I drop his hand.

"Let's get one thing clear Marcel, I'm going to kill..." he slightly glares at me but says nothing and stays silent as to let me finish. "Why is she sentenced to death" I say placing my hands on my hips, waiting.

"Fine" he growls which causes me to flash my yellow-orange eyes. This causes him to take a step backwards. I smirk and turn back towards the crowd.

"Are there anymore witches here?" I ask rather loudly before quickly glancing back at Marcel to see his glare turn into a smirk, he knew what I was doing.

I hold my head high as two witches are pushed forward. One who resembled the witch who is sentenced to death. The other witch had coffee coloured skin with bushy brown hair. My stare lingers on her and she becomes uncomfortable. She seems familiar.

"Two, this will be easier than expected" I laugh and grab the first one's arm, pulling her towards me, harshly. My eyes start to glow. "You won't remember anything after you leave, you won't remember seeing me" I smirk as she repeats what I said. She wasn't wearing vervain and most people believe witches are immune to compulsion and their right it really only matters how strong the compeller is.

"She's a witch, you can't compell her" the soon to be dead witch gasps. I turn towards her with a killer smirk. I grab the other ones arm, turning her towards me. "And the same goes to you" she nods and walks away.

"Now you" I growl and grab Jane-Ann by her throat. Her eyes widen as she grasps my hand. "I know witches aren't aloud to practice magic and there are only a hand full of people who are allowed to break the rules, I'm one of them"

"You see, this is Marcel's city and I respect him for being able to control you all" I yank her forward and she gasps, her eyes widening. "You are going to a place filled with witches. If you see my mother..." I pull away and glare at her as if she's me mother. "Tell her...I hope she's rotting in hell- because that's were your going" I say before plunging my hand into her chest. Her eyes widen as I mercilessly rip out her heart.

As she drops to the ground I smirk and turn towards Marcel and drop her heart at his feet. Looking up I see a tinge anger and/or fear evident in his eyes.

"That was a treat" I say and see confusion in each and every one of the vampires. Raising my arms in a 'Tony Stark' mock fashion.

"Killing witches is hobby of mine" I say before speeding away, leaving every vampire in a state of shock. "And that is why she is more feared than her twin" I hear from miles away.


Elijah's POV

Walking down the street, I follow the witch down. Camile had told me where to find someone if I wanted to find someone.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I realize I sound like Asena, always talking and confusing other people and herself.

"Are you going to keep following me Elijah, or do you wanna talk?" I snap out of my thoughts and smirk at the witch in front of me. She seems familiar.

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