5. It's the synergy that counts

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Julie walks along a quiet street surrounded by trees. Marty is chasing Julie from afar.

"Julie," shouts Marty.

Julie looks around and sees Marty, "Hey."

Marty runs towards Julie.

"What's up?"

Marty recovers his breath. Yes, it's now or never, he has to tell her.

"You left something."

Julie checks her bag. She doesn't seem to have left anything behind.

"What is it?"

"Some thoughts in my mind."

Julie is puzzled, "I don't get it."

"I didn't too." Marty continues, "But when I see you, when I think of you, or that funny text you           sent, it feels like the sun shines on me. That's a happiness I didn't experience before, brought along by your charm, or simply, your presence. I think it's the synergy that counts. I hope I make you smile everyday too."

Julie is overwhelmed. She's captivated by Marty's creative and idealistic inner world, but for the same reason, expecting him to speak up in real life and confess his thoughts was a sheer fantasy, until this moment changes everything.

"For that, I love canteen, 'cause that's where we met."

Marty and Julie look into each others' eyes: for Julie to catch a better glimpse of Marty's mind palace, and for Marty to finally receive a ray of light and optimism in his quietly collapsing world. They hold hands and walk along the street as Julie rests her head on Marty's shoulder.


Merry Throne has just performed a song at the carnival. They're taking a break now.

Marty picks up his guitar and does a solo. He taps the mic, "Here's a song I wrote for you." The song is called Love's a game.

I saw things in my way,
until you came          
and showed me the hidden bay.
Love's a game.
My aim?
You'll always stay.

Julie loves every word he sings. To have someone to write you a song and confess his feelings for you in front of a crowd, what else to ask for?

When Marty finishes the song, all he could see is Julie clapping among the crowd. Some passer-bys put money in their guitar case. He puts down his guitar and gets to Julie, "Hope you like it."

"I love it," replies Julie.

"Wanna take any rides?" Marty holds her hand and they go for a ride.

Jesse sees this from a distance,"Fanta boy. Pack up." Jesse holds Keria's hand, "We're going for rides too."

"I'm keeping the money," shouts Ezra, but Jesse and Keira are too far away to hear that anymore.

"I'm updating my ma," Connor appears and helps with the pack up.

It's sunset. Marty and Julie are riding the Ferris Wheel.

"Thank you, the song is beautiful."

"You're welcome." Marty stammers, "I mean every word I sang.  You know... I'm not good at saying things, so... I had to take the take the time...to write the song."

"I feel very special."

"A million people could be saying 'that's our song' to a pop song. But this is our song."

You'll know two people are in love when there's a song about them. It's always been the case in music history. 


Merry Throne plays at a number of places, each time with a bigger crowd in the coming weeks. Connor is seen promoting the band to everyone. The set-up at the carnival gets more sophisticated: they now have a simple stage and better equipment. This outdoor venue is probably the band's favourite showplace.

Everyone is still busy with their normal life: homework, mid terms, job applications, grad school applications etc. yet this hasn't interrupted with their practicing schedule. It's worth mentioning that Ezra still leaves promptly at 10:15p.m. in every practice.

At other times, Marty would accompany Julie to research on her articles. They may hide in a corner and do some tallying, or sneak into a restricted area. Marty would hum a song whenever they're idling. Or sometimes they might just be kissing.


"It's my favourite place." Marty is excited to bring Julie to the old-fashioned records store. He checks out the new display albums and then passes her the headphones.

Marty grabs an album, "Imagine all the hours needed for making all the albums here."

They go through the shelf as Marty tests her knowledge on pop music.

"The first song you heard me singing was Arctic Monkeys, so you know them."


Marty gets another album from the shelf, "Lukas Graham?"

"Love Someone."

"Nice!" Marty continues, "Something more challenging, Kaleo?"

"Way Down We Go."

"Well done!" says Marty, "What about Nothing but thieves."

"I don't know this."

Marty immediately picks up the disc, "We're listening to this together." He continues, "Seafret?"

Julie shakes her head. Marty picks up some more albums. This is how they spends the afternoon. 

As they leave the records store with a bag of music albums and merchandise, Julie sees a pharmacy nearby, "I needa get some vitamins for my roommate."

In the pharmacy, there are a middle-aged, experienced pharmacist and a few customers. Marty feels uncomfortable being here, but he does need to be here.

Julie calls her roommate, "Hey, I'm at the pharmacy. What's the brand you wanna get?" Julie walks to the vitamin shelves, leaving Marty behind. 

Marty decides to walk to the pharmacist, "Sleeping pills please."

"Prescription?" says the pharmacist.

"I don't have it."

"It's prescribed med."

Julie finds the product she needs. Marty quickly leaves the counter.

That night, Marty is battling with sleeplessness. Marty stays up late and writes his own music.

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