6. We have a bad apple here

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The band room has never been messier: piled with equipment, flyers, Keira's architecture models etc. The glass jar is pretty full. Merry Throne is in the middle of a practice. It's a new song Level 99 they've written. Julie is drafting the Merry Throne article at a corner.

"Sorry, the program overruns," Connor hurries in and puts down a program rundown on the desk. It's a career planning session.

Marty signals to take a break.

"You ain't even a senior yet," says Keira.

"Planning ahead," replies Connor.

"What you wanna do later on?" asks Julie.

"Get a good career?" say Connor.

Julie clarifies her question, "No, like what you wanna become ultimately?"

The floor is open, waiting for anyone to speak up.

"Venture capitalist," says Connor.

"Right now I just wanna get into grad school," says Keira.

"I'll be a theoretical physicist," says Ezra.

"And win the Nobel Prize?" asks Jesse.

"That would answer to my ego," replies Ezra. "You?"

"I thought of being a writer," says Jesse.

"Please, someone gets him an irony filter," says Connor.

Jesse clears his throat and explains his theory, "Even when the reality forbids it, writing constructs a world that exists quietly."

Julie adds to the sentence, "Our reality craves for it."

Jesse continues, "We crave for an established fictional planet, but crush every asteroid of a nameless, creative mind."

"It takes money to actualize an architect's vision, but for writers you just have to write," says Keira.

Jesse clears his throat, "If multiverse is true, there'll be a version of us living that life."

"To be specific, multiverse..." Ezra is to give a lecture on this.

Jesse interrupts, "Man, can you just applaud that I know some physics?"

Ezra goes quiet.

Julie notices that Marty has been unusually quiet on this matter. As the soul of the group, shouldn't Marty give his voice on this?

"Marty, what about you?" asks Julie.

"I don't know," replies Marty.

"My ma always says you're the quiet one. Perfect as a musician," says Connor.

"It's hard to imagine living that life." Marty continues, "Anyways, graduate employment is pretty bad with liberal arts."

Jesse agrees, "Yea. Two months to go and we're still unemployed."

"Never mind, work is modern slavery," says Marty.

"Yes, just one shit hole to another," says Jesse.

For a second, everyone's contemplating on their future. What will happen in a few months' time? Could anyone at all becomes who they want to be? Ezra's alarm breaks the silence.  It's Ezra's go-time again.

Marty says, "You know you go earlier than Cinderella."

Ezra checks his Phone: 10:15 p.m. He giggles, "Yea, I like this one."

Jesse says, "We're in the middle of something!"

Ezra gets up, "Thoughts linger as always. See ya."

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