New Story Teaser

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Hello, everyone! 👋

As I have done before, I am posting a teaser of my new story in this book. This one is from one of the flash fics I did on Twitter.

The new book is called The Royal Spare and will be set in the fictional kingdom of Reidonia ruled by King Thaddeus and Crown Prince and King-in-training Nikolai.

The main characters are Nikolai's younger sister (the spare heir) Princess Maiena and a brave Knight of the Royal Guard Sir Aidan.

Other characters will be introduced as the story goes on.

I'm trying to finish a few chapters first before I publish the new story but I assure you that it will be very soon. For now, I leave you with this little teaser and the book cover. 😊

Thank you so much.





Her hair floats with the wind, swirling around her beautiful face. Other girls would be pissed but she seems to be enjoying this. That’s just like her. Always the trooper. Her eyes squint at the bright sun rays as she takes in the majestic view of the lake but they sparkle none the less—2 brown pools of crystals that shine brighter than any star.

Something catches her attention. Whatever it was, I wouldn’t have the chance to spare a glance because right then, she smiles.

She smiles and the world seems to stop. For a few heartbeats, the wind stills, the water calms, the birds pause and the Earth postpones its rotation to pay homage to the brilliance of her smile.

Or at least that’s how it feels to me every time.

She turns to me with that smile and a breath catches in my chest. I feel an overwhelming urge to touch her lips with mine.

It’s so easy to drown in those eyes. So easy to forget with that smile. Forget who she was. Forget why I'm here. Forget my duty.

“Are you sure your girlfriend wouldn’t mind me tagging along?” She asks.

“She won’t. She’s a big fan of yours.”

“Psh! You flatter me." She grins. "Anyway, I promise you won’t even notice I’m there. I will try my best to stay out of your hair so you can have some alone time.” She tells me.

I have yet to tell her that this won’t be a good meeting with Tasha to begin with but she had been too ecstatic to get out and see Como for me to ruin her mood.

Tasha made it very clear the last time we spoke that she doesn’t want to see me. I’m just hoping Maiena will be too distracted with the surroundings later to even notice how my “girlfriend” hates me.

“We both know that’s not possible, Your Highness.” I tell her. She pouts and I have to stop myself from touching her beautiful face.

“What did we talk about calling me ‘Your Highness’, Aidan?”

“To not call you that when it’s just us especially when you’re trying to hide your identity like you are now, Miss Maiena.”

“Ah! You remember! I had feared that have to remind you about that every ten seconds today.” She smirks.

“I remember. I just don’t see the point.” I shrug.

She raises an eyebrow and frowns in a “what the hell do you mean by that” fashion. It’s adorable. It's still a mystery to me how every little thing she does stir such overwhelming emotions within me.

“It’s the internet age. Everybody has seen your face. You really think people won’t recognize you?” I chuckle.

“Not with these clothes they won’t.” She smiles smugly. “You underestimate how makeup, fancy clothes and shiny jewelry mask a woman’s looks.”

“And you underestimate the distinct power of your beauty especially those eyes and lips.” I say in my head but I can’t tell her that. Instead, I let out a disapproving grunt and shrug.

“Come on, Aidan. Don’t be such a bore.” She rolls her eyes. “Don’t you think a little thrill can make our little excursion outside the palace more interesting?” She wiggles her eyebrows.

Oh! I get a lot of thrill just standing next to you, Princess.

“Besides...” She smiles up at me. Damn! That smile will be the death of me. “I have you— the bravest knight in the world to protect me. Nobody can stand a chance." She pokes my nose and giggles. I'm not sure when the musical sound of her laughter ended and the suddenly sullen stare she's giving me began but I know that right now, nothing else in the world matters more than this woman. "You will take care of me, won’t you, Aidan?”

“Always, Maiena. With all that I am, I will protect you.”

And not just because I'm bound by my duty to the King and the monarchy.

And not just because I'm bound by my duty to the King and the monarchy

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