5th Anniversary Flash Fic 2

951 50 6

Rewrite The Stars

Song prompt from Rynavet on Twitter


"NOOOOOO!!!" I wake up with a jolt again, sweat beading on my forehead, catching my breath and my heart inexplicably hurting inside my chest.

The pain of unbearable loss crushes every fiber of my being. It tears to the deepest recesses of my soul. It feels like dying but I couldn't die. I never die.

I sit up and let my tears flow as I cover my face with my hands. I cry fervently and let myself wallow in my heartache again for a little while. When I have cried enough, I compose myself again and get up from my bed. I walk to my mirror and stare at my reflection. A bitter smile appears on my face as I half-heartedly assure myself, "Cheer up, Richard. You'll meet her again today."

Yes. Again.

I get in the shower and start again. I put on the same dark blue white-printed shirt and comb my hair the same way. This time when I look at myself in the mirror, I smile brighter. "You will meet her again today. Put on your best smile. You know she can't resist that dimple. Let's go get her."

I arrive at the building entrance as usual and check my watch, counting down to the last second.

"In 3... 2..." One. I step across the facade at the exact moment as my heart leaps at the anticipated collision. I smirk and think, "Right on schedule, my love."

The sweet smell of pear and freesia mixed with her own heavenly fragrance fill my nose as her pretty head rest just under my chin. Her eyes are shut tightly in fear and her dainty hands are clenched on my chest. The files they were holding moments ago are now scattered on the ground as her fragile figure tremble slightly. My arms wrap around her in their own volition, instinctively following the yearning in my heart to hold her close to me.

"Are you alright?" I ask softly.

My voice wakes her. Slowly, her head moves to look up at me as her beautiful brown doe eyes flutter. They blink once, twice and then three times then finally recognizes me. "Oh my God!" She gasps and immediately pushes herself away from my grasp. "S-sir!" She stutters, her cheeks tinge with a soft red color. My reputation as a cold and uncompromising CEO is never my most charming trait. "I'm so sorry, Sir Richard!" She speaks, flustered. I want to see the adorable look of panic in her eyes but she keeps avoiding my stare as she nervously tucks her hair behind her ear and bite her pinkish plump lip.

It's a shame that I cannot look into the eyes that I have delighted myself to drowning into over the years. But it's okay. We have time. 355 days to be exact.

"No worries. Do you need help with these?" I ask but already start bending down to pick up the folders on the floor.

"No!" Her tone rises with panic again as she frantically goes down on her knees and picks up the files. "I... I mean... No, thank you, Sir. I'm okay." She stutters in a delayed attempt to act demurely.

I grin, flashing the dimple on my left cheek that I know she's always fond of. She doesn't know it yet but she loves poking that when she teases me.  Truth is she doesn't need to act all prim and proper. I love her most when she's her naturally funny, slightly rebellious and free-spirited self.

"I'm sorry, Sir." She whispers as I hand her the last folder.

"It was an accident. There's no need to apologize, Miss..." I leave out the part for her to fill although I already know her name. I have carved it in my soul but she doesn't know that yet.

"Maine, Sir. Maine Mendoza." She says coyly.

When I hold out my hand to shake hers and help her up, her eyes look at me with a different expression.

"Is there a problem, Maine?" I ask.

She shakes her head and chuckles. "No, Sir. I just... I feel like this has happened before." She chuckles again. "Weird."

I smile. "Yeah. Weird."

She thanks me and then leaves. As I watch her walk away, I sigh. "It's not weird, my love. It has happened."

All of these has happened. For the past 23 years I have been living the same year over and over again.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse that I get to have all these chances to be with you again. Every cycle comes with different opportunities to change our destiny and rewrite the stars but no matter what I do, it still starts and ends the same way.

I meet you on the 16th of July each year. We fall inlove. Our love changes our whole world and teaches us a lot of things. Then it ends with a tragedy that separates us in the most devastating way.

Every reset, every July 16, I become more determined to change our ending. For the past 23 cycles, I fought hard but always ended up in failure.

Now. It's the last one. The 24th cycle is the last. No more resets after this year.

I only have two choices now.

One, like the past years, is to dwell in the failure of our past and fight once again to change our fate. Even if I hurt you in the process, I can count on a chance to have you forever.

Two, for the first time, I can learn to accept our bitter destiny and cherish every moment that we are blessed to share. In the end, though we may not get want we want, all that we will remember is how well we loved each other.

This time. The last time. I will love you with all that I am, no matter what the end maybe.

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