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You don't have to read it but I had to write it so here it is. 😅 Sorry. ✌️




"Hey, you! You called?"

"Yeah. I... How are you?"

"I'm okay."

"Okay okay or okay o-kay?"

"I'm not sure what the difference is, but I'm okay. Okay?"

"Okay, I guess. If you say so."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I heard this thing about you saying you're burned out and it's weird because you're so used to doing 10 million important things in a day and you never get tired. So I felt like I had to check up on you."

"You called because you're worried about me?"

"No. I called to tell you that you need to take a little break. I've been telling you this might happen."

"You called to say 'I told you so'?"

"I'm telling you that you're body is begging for you to rest. Don't wait to get sick before you pause."

"You ARE worried about me."

"Ugh! You're impossible to talk to."

"Why can't you just admit that you're worried about me? We're still friends. You can be worried for a friend. You can care for me."

"You know I care about you."


"You also know that you need a break. And you need to hang out with people outside of work. So the party tomorrow, you never told me if you were going or not."

"I can't."

"Why? I mean I already asked and I know that for some reason, your schedule is free. Must be some Christmas miracle. Haha..."

"I cleared the date actually but I don't think it's a good idea for me to go."

"Why not? All our friends will be there and it's our last chance to hangout before we all go on our own holiday trips. We won't be seeing each other until the New Year. Plus, we miss you. You haven't been on the show for a while."

"Yeah. I miss you too... So much."

"So? You're going?"

"Maybe. I... I still think we shouldn't..."

"Hangout? You said it yourself, we're still friends. We can still hangout. Friends hangout with each other."

"But not hang up."

"So being with me is causing you emotional problems?"

"No! Of course not."

"But you just said... You know what? Whatever. You do what you want. I won't bother you anymore."

"It's not that..."

"What is it then?"

"I miss you."

"Yet you think it's not a good idea to be around me. Well, I guess we can't be around each other as long as our friends and other people keep shipping us together. Must be awkward for you."

"No. It's not awkward for me. Well, a little. You're with someone else."

"And that's my fault? YOU let go. YOU chose for us. And you didn't choose me."

"I know."


"I also know we can't be around each other outside of work as long as I'm still inlove with you. It only makes it harder for me to stop being inlove with you."


"What's so funny?"

"The funny thing is, not too long ago, I could've easily fallen for that. Again."

Short TakesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon