5th Anniversary Flash Fic 1

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Here, There And Everywhere

Photo and song prompt from whutttaniston on Twitter


Before I realized it, my cheeks have grown stiff from smiling and my arms have become numb from hugging her as I cuddle her tightly in my arms. I must have been watching her sleep for over an hour as I tried my best to stay perfectly still, holding her in a comfortable position so I wouldn't wake her up. I haven't noticed it. I've been too entranced by her soft and steady breathing and the gentle rhythm of the rise and fall of her chest against my side.

I'm not sure when it started. I'm just sure I wouldn't know what to do when it ends. That's why I pray everyday for it to never end-- my inexplicable need to have my Nicomaine by my side and to love her in the very best way I can. I hope it never ends.

Holding her hand and taking her to every beautiful place in the world and making wonderful memories together, I hope I can do that for all of my life.

Seeing her radiant smile and giving her a reason to shine that happy smile everyday is my lifetime goal.

I wish I can dwell in her warm embrace and live on her sweet tender kisses every second of every day for all of eternity.

Wrapping her in my arms like this, laying beside her every night, running my fingers through her silky hair, slowly inhaling her light and soothing fragrance that never fails to exite and comfort me at the same time, I wish we could stay in the tranquility of this quiet night forever.

But we can only have that silence for a little while...


Soon enough the angry cries of our 5-day old daughter cut through the stillness of midnight at the exact moment it pierces through the heart of my sweet sleeping angel. Within seconds, her eyelids flutter open and I find myself drowning in the two shimmering brown pools of her eyes.

"Richaine is awake. She must be hungry." She speaks in her soft and tired voice.

"Let me do it. You need more rest. Go back to sleep, Love." I smile softly and kiss her forehead but my coaxing doesn't work. Her stubborn eyes narrow as her full lips purse into a thin line.

"You've been staying up late with her since she was born and still watch me like a fragile doll every minute. You have dark circles around your eyes to prove that, Mr. Faulkerson. You need rest too." She sits up and reaches for the co-sleeper crib beside her. She carefully lifts our little one into her arms and gently holds her.

Almost instantly, our little sweetheart stops crying and nuzzles into my beloved's bosom. A soft smile appears on her face as her gentle eyes gaze at our daughter. A serene ethereal glow wraps that maternal picture that make me sigh and smile.

I still want to ease the burden of baby care from my wife. She has already solely been through a lot for the past 38 weeks that she bore our daughter in her womb and on the day we welcomed our sweet princess into the world. I want to help her in every way I can and never let her do anything alone for our little one but before I can open my mouth to speak or move to offer my help, her pretty eyes glare at me.

I immediately shut my mouth and slink back.

"I just want to help you." I murmur.

"She's feeding now, RJ, so unless you can make milk come out of your toned pectorals, just lie back down and go to sleep." She sneers and all I could do is lay back and sigh as I watch her Dragon fury magically transform into Fairy Queen tenderness as she touches our baby's face and hum to our daughter.

Okay. I can do this too. I can let her do what she wants to do while I stay beside her, watching her, quietly cheering her on, supporting her and loving here. Here. There. Everywhere.

Short TakesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora