#12 - Day Twelve and an Accidental Incident

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[ here ya go, i drew the bois—
Draka straight chillin behind the psychos- oh wait
Also all the objects n' stuff in the drawing are gonna have a heckin ton of significance later on so ye, if you have any guesses then please go ahead~
By the way, if it seems strange that my drawings skills here are better than my drawing skills later on in the book, that's because this is a redraw of some serious shit that I did when I was 14 😂 so merry birthday ]

A sudden cold feeling on her neck (not dissimilar to an ice pack) caused [Y/n] to slowly begin to wake.  When she opened her eyes, Aytsa reeled back in surprise, retracting his small hand from her flesh.  Taking a glance around her dark room and squinting a little to allow herself to make everything out, she soon spotted everyone else there too.  She stayed still for a moment, a little confused, before she finally realised what must've happened. Someone at the back of the room (who revealed himself to be Laion) turned on the light.

After adjusting to the light, her eyes glanced over to the unfinished fudge, then to the blonde boy sat on the chair in the corner of her room.  He clocked her stare and gave her a bright smile in response.

"I'm not a liar, [Y/n].  You didn't finish the fudge so I told everyone.  It just so happened we also discovered that it wasn't the only bite you'd received," he frowned.  [Y/n] looked down at her shoulder (and, to the best of her ability, at her nape), just about seeing the two bite marks.  She let out a long sigh.

"It's not important.  Don't worry.  I'm totally fine," she said softly, though she was unable to give a reassuring smile to back up her words like she had envisioned herself doing.  The absence of emotion on her expression simply worked against her.  Seishin cocked a brow in a disbelieving manner and Mitzu walked over to her bed, his arms crossed.

"Did Nyais do those?" he asked sternly.  [Y/n] didn't respond, not really knowing how to.  "Well?  Did he?  Why?  Why would he?  What's going on, [Y/n]?"  The anger in his tone totally caught [Y/n] off guard.  Of course Mitzu did seem the type to get angry, but she'd hoped it would never be directed at her.

"Enough Mitzu," Laion's soft voice came from the other side of the room.  "That's her business.  Stop hounding her."  Mitzu's arms fell back by his sides as he watched Laion closely, his body seeming poised to leap and attack.  Laion appeared to catch on to this and looked away from him and over to [Y/n].

"Guys, really, I'm fine.  I need to get dressed, so—"

"Are you hiding things from us?" questioned a quiet voice from the other side of the room.  Kori was stood by the door, staring unblinkingly.

"No, of course not!" [Y/n] said quickly. "Don't be ridiculous." She stared back at Kori; the blue-eyed boy watched her with clear scepticism. [Y/n] felt like a rabbit in the headlights, her breathing slowing itself making her slowly grow breathless. The tension in the room truly was suffocating.

    "Kori has a point," Draka put in, the usually jubilant boy seeming far more reserved than usual. "If you were planning on keeping the bites a secret, are you hiding anything else?" he asked, his head tilted to one side. [Y/n] shook her head with an immediacy that showed both desperation and concern. The boys seemed stuck on whether to view this as a pledge to her honesty or another attempt at covering up whatever it might be she was hiding.

    "I'm not hiding anything, guys. Come on, at least one of you has to believe me?" she huffed, her shoulders sagging a little.

    "I believe you, [Y/n]," Laion said gently, "you wouldn't lie to us about something like that. The bites were just nervous mistakes, right?" he asked her with a smile. 'Mistakes?' [Y/n] mentally repeated, a little worried as to what the word could mean or imply. Even still, she nodded.

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