#41 - Consequences

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    Usually the walk from Rayne's apartment to his room was pretty quick - sometimes a little painful if Rayne hadn't been in a good mood, but never particularly long.  Except for now, of course.  With each step he took further from [Y/n], another ball of lead was added to the metaphorical shackles that caused Aytsa's back to hunch and his feet to drag along the floor.  Eventually he got to the front door and was greeted with a sharp object lodging itself in the doorframe beside his head.  He glanced over to it lethargically.

    "Where is she?!" Mitzu snapped.  Aytsa looked from the kitchen knife to see Mitzu and Seishin standing a little down the corridor. 

    "Rayne has her," Aytsa said quietly, walking down the corridor with his head down despite the two males that blocked his path.  When he grew closer to them, he raised his head once again and simply stared at the two, waiting for them to move.

    "Why the fuck does Rayne have her?" Mitzu growled.  Seishin brushed past Aytsa and plucked his knife from the wall, holding it out in front of him and staring at it for a while, before pointing it at Aytsa.  Aytsa looked at him with an unusually dull expression.

    "Did you take her out of the house, Aytsa?" Seishin questioned.  A nod answered him.  "And she tried to escape?"  Another nod.  "So Rayne acted upon his offer," he hummed.  Despite the murderous glare that had greeted Aytsa when he walked into the house, Seishin didn't seem to hold such malice anymore.  "For someone so opposed to Rayne being anywhere near [Y/n], you seemed more than willing to lead her into his house..."

    "I thought you said you didn't know where she was?!" Mitzu snapped, and Aytsa seemed to be thinking the same thing.  Seishin laughed, tapping his index finger on the side of his nose a couple of times, a mocking smirk tugging on his lips.

    "Aha, but Mitzu, I didn't say anything." And with that, the blonde brushed past Aytsa and Mitzu once more and headed off towards his room without a care in the world.  The pair left in the corridor shared a glance.  Mitzu turned and entered the kitchen, leaving Aytsa on his own once again.  He turned to face the wall and allowed his head to collide against it, letting out a low groan of annoyance when he did so. 

    "I'm an idiot," he muttered.

    "Understatement," Kori's voice sounded.

    "Have you come to criticise me too?" Aytsa questioned, though he didn't move his head from its position against the wall.  A throbbing pain surged through but, for some reason, that only made him want to hit his head again.  Maybe it'd knock him out and he wouldn't have to worry about this mess until he woke up.

    "Something like that," Kori hummed, walking over to Aytsa, "but you're looking so pathetic right now that I can't really bring myself too.  It'd be like scolding an old lady for taking too long on the stairs.  The simple solution is to knock her over," he grinned.  Aytsa rolled his eyes.

    "Are you trying to criticise me or humour me?" Aytsa questioned.

    "Whatever works."  Aytsa raised a brow.

    "Works for what?"

    "Whatever stops you being such a miserable twat," Kori hummed.  "Come with me."  Aytsa was about to object but the grey haired boy had already grabbed his arm and started dragging him off down the corridor.  "I have something to show you."

    "Isn't this how every porno starts?" Aytsa muttered to himself, though he didn't stop Kori dragging him along.  Kori gave him a confused look.

    "Every what?"  Aytsa looked away, muttering something under his breath, though Kori chose to ignore whatever it was once they got to his room.  He pushed open his door and pushed Aytsa inside, slamming the door behind him.  The room was dark, as per usual, though of course vampires had no problem with darkness.  Aytsa crossed his arms over his chest.

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