Can of worms

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Season 1, episode 5

Words: 3,3K

Warning: None.

Kai was about to play his game, when Lloyd came up to him.

"Hey, Kai! Ha. Saw Cole beat your high score. You should have seen it. It was pretty spectacular." He said.

"Uh, you must be talking about "Sitar Legend." This is "Fist to Face 2." No one beats me on my game." Kai replied.

"Huh. Could be wrong. See ya!" Lloyd said as he walked away, whistling.

Kai checked the highscores and saw Cole on the highscore. "Cole!"

Lloyd walked over to Cole, who was trying to make some diner.

"Mm! Violet berry soup, my culinary achievement. If the recipe is not followed exactly..." He tasted a bit but screamed from the taste. Lloyd stood in the doorway.

"By the way, I saw Jay spice things up. I told him not to, but he said your cooking could use it. Bye, Cole!" Lloyd said and walked away. "Jay!"

On the upper deck, Jay has kendo gear on as he prepares for his routine with a sparring robot.

Jay took out his nunchucks, getting ready to spar. "Let's ease our way into this. How about level 2, shall we?"

Lloyd walked up to Jay. "Hey, Jay. I saw Zane try to repair the sparring bot earlier. Isn't that your expertise? Later, bro." He said and walked away, whistling.

"Wait! What?" Jay shouted and tried to turn the bot off.

"No! No! Zane!"

Zane is in his pajamas about to hang his laundry as Lloyd comes to him.

"Hello, Lloyd. What brings you up here this fine morning?" He asked politely.

"Kai wanted me to pick up his ninja suit. He said he threw it in with your whites." Lloyd replied and searched for the red ninja suit. "Here it is. Thanks." He said once he found it and leaves.

Zane looked confused at him and started to take out his clothes, only to find them all pink. He stared at it angrily.

Some time later, the ninja, except Y/n, were all bickering about their issues.

"You couldn't just be happy with the top score. You had to rub it in my face!" Kai said to Cole.

"Do you know how long it took me to make that? Three days. Three days!" Cole said to Jay.

"It's an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot!" Jay said to Zane.

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this?" Zane asked and holds up his suit. "It's pink!"

Sensei Wu walked in and opened the bathroom door, where Lloyd was. Lloyd laughed.

The ninja all gasp. "You did this?" They asked at the same time.

"Boys, I get first dibs on..." Cole said and walked over to Lloyd, but got stopped by Y/n.

"No dibs." She said.

"How did you-?" Cole gasped.

"I put him up to this for today's lesson. I wanted to show you the destructive power of rumors and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to trouble. Did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true?" Sensei Wu said. The boys all looked angry.

"Uh, no offense, Sensei, but let me jump to this conclusion: today's lesson is lame." Cole said.

"Yeah, why can't you just teach us to paralyse your enemy with one finger or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose?" Jay agreed, Y/n rolled her eyes.

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