The Way Back

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Season 6, episode 10.

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"Thank you. I don't know how we'll ever be able to repay you." Kai said to the Ninja Replacements.

"Let's just say you owe me one." Skylor winked, smiling.

"Or a few thousand, if we're talking denomination of currency." Ronin added, earning odd looks from the others, "What? No reward?"

"Hey, you'd do the same for us. Only with less pizzazz." Dareth commented, and Jay butted in.

"Ugh, I hate to break up the reunion, but may I remind you we have a wedding to stop?"

"That's right. Jay has his last wish to take the Djinn down." Misako informed.

"But since we don't have the Poison, it'll be up to us to slow him down." Y/n added. 

"Come on, there's no time to waste." Kai said, and everyone rushes off only to be stopped by Lloyd.

"Wait! If you defeat Nadakhan, his power will diminish."

"Uh, yeah, that's kind of the point." Cole said, shrugging.

"Of course. Lloyd is all too right. If his power diminishes, Djinjago will fall. Ninjago will be crushed." Wu replied.

Kai's eyes widen, "Even if we win, we lose?"

"Well, whatever you decide, I sure don't want an all-powerful Djinn calling the shots. You have to take him out if you have the chance." Soto retorted.

"Ninja, you go stop Nadakhan. The rest of us will return back to Ninjago to prepare for the worst." Sensei Wu said, and Jay held up the Djinn Blade.

"Ninja, go!" He yelled, and they run off.

Dareth also wanted to go with them, but got stopped by Ronin, "Ah-ha, not you, Dareth."

"The Brown Ninja will live to fight another day." Dareth replied, smiling proudly.

"This way. We'll take the jet down." Ronin led the others away.

"Get ready." Jay instructed, as a group of pirates run towards them. Jay strikes a pirate with the Djinn Blade, sending the pirate in it. "Oh, yeah, I forgot it did that."

The ninja open the door towards the first hall, where are four pirates with cannons firing at them. They all duck, hiding behind a pillar. Jay charges at a cannon, striking the pirates behind it with the Djinn Blade.

The other cannon was about to fire but Cole interrupted and kicked the cannon to the right, missing them.

"The entrance to the wedding hall." Jay panted, slamming his fists against the doors.

"Let me help." Cole gently pushed Jay away, tugging on the door lock, "It's locked. And it won't budge."

"Maybe if we use all of our powers together." Lloyd suggested, and started summoning an energy ball.





"Lightning!" They use their powers and break the door, but it was just too late.

"...and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you all-powerful." Clancee announced, closing the book he was using.

"Ugh, we're too late." Cole said, panting.

"Do it, Jay!"

"I wish Nadakhan wasn't-" Jay got interrupted by the Djinn himself.

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